Rainbow Room

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            "Dahyun? Dahyun can you hear me?" Nayeon gently patted the girls face. Her face was so pale you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Dahyun and a white sheet of paper.
            "She's burning." Momo said placing a hand on Dahyun's forehead, "she must be suffering so much."
            "She's ok though. She's breathing. Anything is better than death." Nayeon encouraged, "we just need her to stay alive until I can find a way out of here." She looked at Baby Jihyo, "and we need you...." She picked the baby up, "to stay five years old."
          Sana sniffled, "I feel so bad. I let her down. I shouldn't have accused her of being the traitor. Than none of this would've happened in the first place."
          "Don't feel bad." Jeongyeon comforted, "I probably would've done the same thing honestly."
         I'm the meantime while all this was happening, Chaeyoung sat observing. She and Nayeon made a plan. All she had to do was wait. Wait for something to happen.
         "Guys." Mina spoke up, "I think I should go look for Tzuyu."
         Everyone turned towards her. Chaeyoung made no reaction. She just made eye contact with Nayeon.
          "That's too dangerous Mina." Jeongyeon said, "there's no way you can go."
           "Please just trust me. I think I can save Tzuyu." Mina suggested.
            "And how would you do that?" Nayeon questioned.
            "I have my ways." Mina argued, "just because you are the chosen one or whatever doesn't mean you know everything. It is a private matter."
            "Uh-" Jeongyeon started but was interrupted.
           "Fine just go. I trust you." Nayeon said.
            Mina smiled and left the room.
             "Seriously." Jeongyeon said pissed off, "why would you let her go out by herself like that."
             "That's not Mina." Sana muttered, "she wouldn't say such a thing....just because your the chosen one or whatever.....that's not her."
             "Wait so your saying...." Momo started, "that Mina is the...."
             "Traitor." Chaeyoung finished, "I knew it. Nayeon we need to go before she kills Tzuyu."
             "What!" Baby Jihyo gasped, "Mina unnie is a traitor?"
              "How did you know?" Sana asked Chaeyoung, "I adjusted my story." She explained, "when we were trying to find out who the traitor was by speaking of memories, she fell for it. And did guys not see her talking with Tzuyu far away from us. That's when she poisoned her."
             "This makes sense now." Momo nodded, "so she's gonna kill Tzuyu."
              "Yeah. We need to go Nayeon." Chaeyoung reminded the girl. But she looked at Nayeon she was in a daze.
              "Nayeon?" Chaeyoung questioned and walked up to the girl. She waved her hand in front of her face, "are you having a vision?"
              Suddenly Nayeon snapped out of it, "Chaeyoung we need to be careful. Last time this happened you died. And Mina."
              Chaeyoung sighed with a slight fear, "if we want to make it out we have to save her." She looked around at her members.
              "Here's the plan." Chaeyoung started her leading speech, "I will go and save Mina and Tzuyu. You guys stay with Dahyun and Jihyo. And Nayeon. You have to try and remember. And figure out how to get us out of here."
             "Ok but your not going by yourself." Jeongyeon said stubbornly, "let me go with you. I won't interfere unless it's necessary."
              Chaeyoung thought for a second, "ok. But try not to interfere."
               "Ok then. Let's get to it." Jeongyeon said readily.
               "Chaeyoung." Nayeon stopped them, "remember. Everyone has to be alive to escape. Don't do anything bad."
               "I know." Chaeyoung said confidently, "keep Jihyo and Dahyun alive. And let's figure out how to escape this place once and for all."
              "Hurray!!!" Jihyo cheered.
              And with that the two girls were off. Off to the place Dahyun was poisoned. That's where Nayeon told them to go.
              They hurried not even stopping to take a breath or speak a word. Soon they heard a noise of pain coming from the room.
              Chae and Jeongyeon rushed inside seeing Tzuyu on the ground blood surrounding her. She was still alive but screeching in pain.
              Mina turned around towards the girls with a villainous smile on her face. Blood was splattered on her suit.
             "How rude of you to interrupt." Mina frowned, "I was just about to finish her off."
             "Tzuyu!" Jeongyeon cried and run to the girls side. There was a stab wound in her stomach. Jeongyeon quickly tore a part of her suit and covered Tzuyu wound.
            Mina didn't move a muscle, "she'll die in a couple of hours due to blood loss anyways." She then laughed walking towards Chaeyoung.
            "Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung said without taking her eye off of Mina, "take Tzuyu back to the stairs. Give her treatment. I'll take care of her."
             "Ok." Jeongyeon quickly accepted and picked up Tzuyu with the best of her might.

           "I'm worried about them already." Momo sighed, "I already want to go check on them."
            "We cant. Who's gonna babysit? And take care of Dahyun?"
            Dahyun was sleeping but resting her head on Momo's lap on the couch. Sana and Nayeon were hanging out with Jihyo. Nayeon continued to stare into space.
            "You got anything yet Nayeon?" Sana asked her, "you look concentrated."
            "Nothing. I'm trying so hard."
           "Just think!" Momo cheered her on, "you saved me! And Dahyun! And hopefully Tzuyu! As well Mina maybe. It depends. But that's not the end of the story! There's you! Baby Jihyo. You were with baby Jihyo. Jihyo was a little baby. Just like a newborn. Sana was still with you. How did she die?"
          "Why are you so intrigued by that?" Sana pouted.
          "And Jeongyeon. She's not happy with you." Momo continued. 
          "Do you really think that's gonna help?" Sana questioned.
          "I'm trying." Momo said and continued, "You don't know why right now. But maybe you found out. Try to remember why. And how Jeongyeon died as well. Remember everything Nayeon!!! You can do it!"
        Nayeon was closing her eyes so hard she thought her eyeballs would pop out of her brain. She was comprehending Momo's words in her head. What did happen to Sana and Jeongyeon. Why was Jeongyeon mad at her. Why was all this happening?! What was the meaning of all those marks in that room? But then she remembered something. She opened her eyes and peered down at the suit she was wearing.
        "Oh my....." Nayeon's eyes went wide.
        A vision then appeared in her head. She saw Sana drown in a tank. Jeongyeon burn in lava. She saw the same scene where she died holding baby Jihyo. She remembered the story. The man she couldn't save with CPR was Jeongyeon's friend. She felt a sense of guilt remembering it. She remembered. But how do they get out? The final she saw wasn't from the first time she was here. It was from hours ago. When she saw all the marks on the wall in the weird room. She saw the words written in the room.
        "What leads to gold...." Nayeon repeated, "oh my god I figured it out!"
        "You did!" Momo rejoiced, "I knew my speech would work!"
        "Well what did you find out?!" Sana questioned.
        "We needed to all be alive." Nayeon said.
         "Correct." Momo said.
         "What leads to gold?" Nayeon asked, "those were the words written in the room."
         "I don't know." They both said.
         "Gold or....a pot of gold." Nayeon added .
         "A rainbow." Momo said, "but what-"
         Sana gasped, "our suits!"
          "Our suits make the rainbow." Nayeon finished, "we all have to go to that room. We can get out of here there. I just know it."
         "I think you just figured it out!" Everyone rejoiced.
        "You mean we could've just g-gone to that room all together in the first place....." a croaked voice said.
       "Dahyun!" Momo said shocked that the girl was awake.
       "I need to go tell the others." Nayeon said, "we do. We need to get them and then get out of here. Alive."
        Momo helped Dahyun up. Sana took now three year old Jihyo in her arms.
         "We're gonna get out of here." Nayeon assured them, "we need to expose the real traitor. The real traitor is this game...."

(Hi Guys! I don't know how much faster I'll be able to post chapters because school starts and I'm dealing a lot health problems rn. But I'll try my best! Thank you guys for all the support!!!)
(Btw rainbow room is not a reference to stranger things. I came up with the rainbow riddle before I watched stranger things lol)

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