The Test

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The address they arrived at was a very ginormous mansion. It was so big that it could fit twenty rooms and almost thirty bathrooms. It was amazingly huge. But there was one problem. It was an extremely old. It was abandoned and the last time somebody lived there they said it was haunted and moved out.
Everyone knew about that house but it wasn't in very many conversations. It was white but with a rust. The grass outside was very long and was probably filled with bugs and snakes. The doors and windows were surrounded by a blue stripe. But of course it had a rust as well.
"No!" Momo yelled, "not this house! We're gonna get kidnapped!"
Of course no one was sure about what was going on. But they wanted to go inside. They wanted to see what was going to happen. At least some of them did.
"Come on let's go inside!" Chaeyoung pleaded as Sana, Momo and Dahyun stepped back.
"Chaeyoung it looks too dark and scary in there and I hate ghosts." Dahyun said frowning at the place.
"Don't be silly there's no ghosts." Jihyo assured. She grabbed onto Sana's arm and pulled her along with her. Sana just let go and let Jihyo guide her with the other members.
Chaeyoung looked at Dahyun and smiled, "I know you hate ghosts but you won't be alone. We will all be here with you."
Dahyun smiled back. Chaeyoung soft childlike voice is enough to compel her.
"Well." She said to Chae, "we're not all exactly together anymore."

Momo stood frozen with whiteness. She didn't want to move. She was too afraid.
"Momo." Nayeon locked around Momo's arm, "your not letting me go in alone are you."
"B-but" Momo mumbled.
"Your coming with me let's go." She suddenly put her hand on Momo's waist and leaned her head on her shoulder.
Momo thought it was strange but ignored it because she knew Nayeon was down from all the drama that happened before.
Jeongyeon noticed Nayeon and Momo and just rolled her eyes. She thought Nayeon was probably trying to make her jealous.
Jeongyeon didn't care. She wasn't jealous. She was already hurt by Nayeon. And she wasn't at all jealous.

"Ok is everyone here?" Asked Jihyo looking to count all nine of them and she indeed counted everybody.
Tzuyu was the one who opened the door and inside they saw nothing but darkness.
"I can't even see." Squinted Nayeon but everyone was inching their way inside.
Nayeon was still holding onto to Momo's hand forcing her inside.
"I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this." Momo whispered to herself. But as soon as she stepped inside the door it slammed shut with a giant whoosh.
"Ahhhh!" Everybody screamed and jumped.
It was completely pitch black.
"Oh no! Oh no! We're dead!" Nayeon cried clinging on to Momo. Except it wasn't Momo.
"Nayeon." Jeongyeon said gently, "Nayeon Im not Momo."
Nayeon realized who she was holding and immediately let go. She couldn't tell because it was so dark.
"I'm-im sorry." Nayeon hesitated.
It went silent and all they could hear was their loud heavy scared breathing. No one had a word to say.
All of a sudden a loud voice arose from above and alarmed them.
"Wow." The voice was of a robot but it was playing loud overhead, "I'm surprised you actually came."
No one was brave enough to talk, except for Jihyo, "who are you? Where are we? What do you want with us?"
"Woah woah. One question at a time. First, about me. I am the creator of this game."
"Game?" Chaeyoung questioned, "that doesn't sound good."
"Second of all, you are in my very special, magical home. Since everyone was afraid to live here or even visit I had time to modify it to my please." He cleared His throat, "oh I'm sorry. You probably can't see anything can you?"
All of a sudden a blue light turned on a the top of the stair case making a noise sounding almost like the sound of a boat alarm.
The voice became louder, "and finally. I will tell you why your here." It paused, "Dahyun. The door won't work. So don't even try any doors or windows because you can't escape."
Nayeon pulled Dahyun off the door.
"You, Twice are the next subjects of The Test. Before you ask questions, you aren't the first big group to do this. In fact, I do this to every group. It's a hidden fact that no body can ever tell about. This test will test your relationships with each other and by the end it will improve all of you as a group. But just a warning, everything that I've done here is set as an illusion that seems real. But I promise, in the end you will be in one piece. Even if you die."
"Death!" Momo yelled, "oh heck no! This makes no sense! This is all a big trap!"
The voice chuckled, "this isn't a trap! This is a game!"
"Enough already." Jihyo scolded, "let's just get this over with and play your stupid game so tell us the rules!"
The voice laughed once again, "you can't just play this game at your own risk. These are my rules and I play how I want. You could be here for a couple of hours or you could be here for a few days. It really comes down to you."
"Hold on. You said that there would be one traitor among us." Sana stuttered, "is this true?"
"Ok. Let me tell you the rules." It started, "Right now, one of you is lost. One of you is not themselves. That persons goal is to kill all of you, or make you evil like them."
Twice looked around at each other, they all had the same question in their mind, 'who is the traitor?'
"The traitor is not in there right mind remember? But their real selves are conscious the entire time. So they can fight back the evil and come back to you. But it's only triggered by you guys. So if someone has turned evil you can get them back by triggering them to come back. You must count on each other. Before you all get killed. And also, the pain you will feel is real. So you can die in this game. But I promise once your out you will all be fine."
All the girls were speechless at the rules. How were they supposed to count on each other when the group was a mess at this very moment. Maybe it had something to do with the traitor.
"You're all so speechless!" It laughed, "I am not the enemy here. Your real enemy is each other."
"How are we suppose to believe that?" Jihyo asked angrily, "how do we know your doing this for our good?"
"Trust me." It replied, "you'll understand once I am satisfied with your time here." there was a pause, "oh and I forgot! It's not just each other you'll have to worry about but there's other dangers in this home as well. Some can lead to death other can lead to different kinds of poisons."
"Poisons?" Jeongyeon asked.
"Yes. Poisons." He confirmed, "they can drive you mad, make you insane, make you sick, make you in love, make you age. The list goes on and on."
"So what's the goal of the game?" Sana became suddenly confident.
"The goal is to not die or get poisoned and bring back the lost members. And always stick together." It took a deep breath on the speaker, "so now it's time."
The blue light revealing the top of the stair case glowed brighter.
"You will each get a color to represent. This will be your pride and identification."
The girls looked at each other tensed.
"First. The color red belongs to Miss Nayeon."
Nayeon was scared and couldn't move a muscle. At the top of the stairs a long bar came down through the ceiling revealing a red suit. It looked almost like an astronauts suit but more fitted and wearable.
"Don't be shy now. Your the most confident girl I know."
Nayeon slowly inched her way up the stair case and grabbed the suit sending the hanger straight back up the ceiling. Nayeon went back down the stairs.
The next color is green. The grass kind of green. This suit belonged to Jeongyeon. Next was Yellow and this belonged to Momo. Orange belonged to Sana, Blue belonged to Jihyo, pink belonged to Mina, Light blue belong to Dahyun, white belonged to Chaeyoung and Purple belonged to Tzuyu.
"Alrighty now that you all have your colors." Said the mysterious person excitedly, "you will need to give me all of your belongings!"
"What?!" Almost all the girls yelled.
"Yep. All your bags, items, objects and even clothes on you."
"That's cruel." Momo insulted.
"Sorry honey but that's the rule." A shaft on the top of the stairs opened for the girls to give their stuff over. "And you will have to wear those suits to play. Now quickly change I won't look."
The girls were hesitant but obeyed this so called, 'Creator of the Game.'
"That creep probably is watching us." Nayeon whispered in an annoyed tone.
Soon they were all finished and once they got out everything they had and put it into the box, it shut and they came back down the stairs.
Twice stood there waiting for something to happen. They were scared to talk to each other because they didn't know who the traitor was. It could be any one of them. And they were all acting weird today so really it could be anyone. They would just have to find out.
"What are we-"
"Now that you are all finished" The speaker cut off Momo's question, "we will start the game."
Suddenly the blue lights went off and small torches lit up on the sides of the walls giving them just a little light to see.
"Good luck Twice. I know you won't fail." It said gently before the overhead speaker faded out and the girls were alone.
The home was quiet. All they had were each other. And all they could see were the dim lights of the torches that lit up all the hallways.
This was the start of The Test.

(Exciting! This chapter introduced the plot and setting for the rest of the story! So will Twice be able to defeat the test??? Who do you think the traitor is?)

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