Ten Minutes

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    "Guys." Momo spoke up in the silence, "we need to do something. Talk or go somewhere."
           "She's right." Jihyo agreed, "we need to make a base somewhere or a safe place because we have no idea what we're going to face."
         "Let's go over here." Jeongyeon suggested pointing to the left hallway.
         Everyone was too shocked and scared to disagree and they really needed to make a base. So they followed Jeongyeon and Jihyo.
         Everyone except for Nayeon, "how do we know your not leading us to a trap!" She stared directly at Jeongyeon. Obviously Nayeon was suggesting she was the traitor.
         This set Jeongyeon off, "Nayeon!" She turned around to Nayeon with anger painted on her face, "I don't know why you suddenly are acting angry towards me now but calling me a traitor is enough! I am trying to make sure we are safe and you arguing isn't going to help! So if your gonna whine like a baby go somewhere else! In fact why don't you go get poisoned so you can age to be more mature!"
      Everyone watched in shock at Nayeon who's mouth was wide open. There were tears in her eyes but she didn't let them fall.
      "See. You are the traitor." Nayeon said confidently, "You were acting weird last night and now you yell at me. That's not something the real Jeongyeon would do."
     "So I'm not aloud to yell at you but your aloud to yell at me?" Jeongyeon replied. She made a good point.
    Nayeon realized how smart her comeback was, "I-"
    "Just stop!" Someone said loudly from the back of the group, "let's not jump to conclusions. Instead we should prepare a base. Once we do then we can talk peacefully." That loud voice came from Tzuyu who had been silent up until now. She was probably frustrated with the fighting.
     "Come on Nayeon." Momo pulled Nayeon with her and Sana pulled along Jeongyeon.
     They started walking down the creepy hallways looking for the first room. When they saw it, there was a big statue of a face that looked very creepy. They skipped past this room. The next room they saw was a door into what looked like a very abandoned kitchen. They skipped this as well. Until they finally settled on the next room. It was a dusty old living room but had almost five couches and a few tables. It was dusty and had some cobwebs, but it was the best they had for now. They decided they would go explore other areas after they got settled.
      "Come on Dahyun help me with this couch." Jihyo ordered and the girls worked to push off all the dust and cobwebs off the couches so they could sit down.
     "This is crazy isn't it?" Dahyun asked Jihyo who was helping her brush off the dust. Everyone else was dusting off areas so they can settle in, "I mean. What are we suppose to do? Wait until something bad happens?"
    "Isn't that the only thing we can do?" She replied, "something will happen. Something bad. But as long as we have each other we will get through anything." Jihyo looked at Dahyun who stopped brushing for a second. She looked sad and scared. She was also looking at......Tzuyu.
    "What happened with you guys?" Jihyo noticed her fear but was talking with a gentle soothing voice so Dahyun would give in.
   "What are you talking about?" Dahyun blubbered with a blank face still staring at Tzuyu who was sitting on a couch having a conversation with Sana and Momo. She was just too obvious sometimes.
    "Ever since last night you have been looking sad and same with Tzuyu. Even Sana has been weird with you." She sighed, "something had to happen last night."
     Dahyun said nothing and turned her stare to the floor. Jihyo waited a second before Dahyun turned her head away from everyone, facing Jihyo but still looking at the floor. Her hair was covering her face.
     Jihyo saw her shoulders start to shake. Then she realized her soft sobs she was trying to hide.
     "Dahyunie!" Jihyo whispered to not let anyone else know what was going on. She didn't move, "Kim Dahyun look at me!" She whispered even louder.
     Dahyun lifted her head and looked into Jihyo's eyes. She felt ashamed, very ashamed. But she finally gave in.
     "I-I made a mistake, unnie." Dahyun whimpered.
    "I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad." Jihyo comforted Dahyun by petting her hair, "please tell me. Let me help you."
    "I-I can't." She mumbled, "not here. She'll here me."
     Jihyo already thought she knew who she was talking about but asked anyway, "who?"
      "Tzuyu." She replied, "and Sana. And everybody else."
     Jihyo was about to respond when someone interrupted her.
     "Everyone we need to discuss things!" Chaeyoung called for everyone to gather in.
     "We can discuss this later if you want?" Jihyo whispered.
     Dahyun wiped her tears, "okay."
     "What are we suppose to do?" Mina asked looking around at everyone.
    Jihyo looked around and realized there was only seven of them. And everyone else realized too.
    "Where is Nayeon and Tzuyu?" Asked Mina.
    Momo immediately answered, "oh I was feeling hungry so Nayeon wanted to go to the kitchen to try and find food. And Tzuyu went with her."
      How stupid is she.
      "Momo!" Jihyo fumed, "why would you send them alone! They could be hurt or poisoned! Or even killed!"
      "Oh." Momo said slapping herself in the face, "I'm so sorry I didn't realize."
      "You didn't realize!" Jihyo growled, "how could you not realize we're in a haunted house!"
     Jihyo was angry. It has only been ten minutes and two of them are already gone.
      "Forget it let's just go!" Jeongyeon cried and started running towards the kitchen with everyone else.
        When they reached the kitchen they flew open the doors into the kitchen but they were immediately stopped. The room smelled foul like dead rotten fish and animals.
       "It smells awful in here." Chaeyoung gasped holding her nose.
      "Tzuyu! Nayeon! Where are you?!" Jihyo called and waited for a reply. When there was no sign the girls continued deeper in the kitchen to find more ovens and stoves and kitchen supplies.
      "Where are they!?" Momo yelled freaking out probably thinking it was her fault.
      But all of a sudden Chaeyoung thought she heard a small noise.
       "Guys!" Chaeyoung screamed, "listen! Do you hear that!"
        "Everyone Quiet!" Jihyo scolded sending silence.
        "Help her!!!! Anybody!!!! Jihyo!!!!! Momo!!!!"
        "That's Nayeon!" Jeongyeon cried and everybody ran towards the sound.
       "Nayeon!" Momo yelled seeing Nayeon in tears grabbing for dear life onto Tzuyu who was trying to release herself from Nayeon. She was trying to reach for something. They looked on the counter she was reaching for and saw a.....toaster?
      The girls were confused at the sight of Tzuyu trying to grab a toaster but seeing Nayeon with tears streaming down her face obviously in fear, made them help Nayeon get a better grip on Tzuyu.
      "What happened?!" Dahyun blurted holding Tzuyu's arms. She got the chance to see her face. Her eyes were bright blue and she was unconscious. At least the real Tzuyu was.
     Jihyo looked at Tzuyu and then at the toaster. It was obviously pulling her in. But to her it just seemed like a normal toaster.
      "It's poison!" Nayeon yelled, "move it!"
       "What?!" Screamed Chaeyoung.
       "Just throw it!" Nayeon yelled again and without further question Jihyo jumped in and grabbed the toaster throwing it across the room, "now cover her eyes!" Nayeon demanded and Mina did so covering her eyes so she couldn't see. And indeed, Tzuyu stopped moving. She stood motionless with Mina's hand still covering her eyes.
       "Is she-" Momo started.
       "Nayeon what happened?" Sana asked in shiver from fear.
       Nayeon was still breathing heavily and her tears stopped falling, "we were completely fine! We were just looking for food until Tzuyu saw that stupid toaster! It didn't mean anything to me but it obviously was poison because her eyes turned blue and it was trying to lure her in."
     "So if she can't see it. It can't lure her in?" Chaeyoung asked staring at the toaster on the floor.
    "That's what it seems like." Nayeon uttered, "now hide it somewhere so we can uncover her eyes."
     Dahyun grabbed the toaster but before she stuffed it into a fridge she took a long hard look at it. It was small, silvery grey toaster with two openings for the bread. There was absolutely nothing different about it.
      Everyone watched as Dahyun stuffed it into the fridge and as soon as she closed it Mina uncovered Tzuyu's eyes hesitantly. Her eyes were back to normal. But she still looked unconscious standing staring blankly at the wall.
      "How is that poison?" Sana asked breaking the scary silence, "none of us were effected by it except for Tzuyu."
      "I don't know what happened." Nayeon sighed holding Tzuyu's hand. But she wasn't responding. 
      "Wait!" Jihyo suddenly alerted, "The speaker said that the only way to get someone back was us. We need to talk her back."
     "He said that was only if they were poisoned." Chaeyoung added, "she never touched it."
     "Tzuyu." Sana looked up into Tzuyu's eyes, "please come back to us. We need you."
     Suddenly Tzuyu started blinking. She turned her eyes towards Sana and tried to talk but nothing came out. And all of a sudden her eyes rolled back and she fell backwards, passed out.

        (Hi! There is the next chapter! To be honest I'm actually almost done writing the whole story but there is still lots more to read!! Don't be afraid to comment and vote and tell me what you like about it! Thank you again!~Author...)

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