The Letter

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The Twice family was at the dorm at this time. It was nine o clock and the South Korean sky was dark. The maknae line was of course, in their shared room, probably acting like drunks. But they were all used to it. Dahyun's crackhead energy and Chaeyoung plus Tzuyu's hidden craziness that only sparks when their with each other. Jeongyeon was trying to clean the kitchen but of course she was distracted by sweet Sana, desperate for attention. Jiyho and Momo were busy watching tv. Nayeon was on the burst of a meltdown while Mina tries to teach her the meaning and skill of gaming. Which is obviously not Nayeon's skill.
In the midst of the different things going on, there was a loud ring that rung all over the house. It was the doorbell.
"I'll get it." Mina sighed doing anything to get a break from Nayeon. As Mina opened the door, she expected to see one of their managers or cameramen. But no. In fact Mina saw no one in sight.
"Who is it?" Jeongyeon calls from the kitchen.
Sana then leaves Jeongyeon and joins Mina at the door. They look around but there was no one.
"That's weird." Sana said confused.
"But what's this?" Mina squatted down and picked up something from the door mat outside the door.
"Oh a letter!" Sana exclaimed.
Jeongyeon stopped what she was doing and turned around towards Sana and Mina, "since when do we get letters delivered at our doorstep?"
Momo notices all the confusion and paused the TV.
"Wow! A letter!" Jihyo protested.
"Ugh!" Nayeon let out a huge groan of disappointment.
"Nayeon! Get over it. It's only a stupid game!" Jeongyeon said, annoyed.
"Alright mom." Nayeon rolled her eyes and focused her attention on the letter.
"Well, open it!" Sana rushed.
"Wait!" Jiyho interrupted. She ran over to the bedroom that Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were in.
"Is this something that has to do with Nayeon or Sana?" Chaeyoung immediately asked.
"Ugh." Jiyho heard Nayeon say from the living room.
"No!" Jiyho replied, "there was a special letter on our doorstep!"
The three girls faces were struck with interest and they immediately joined the other members in surrounding Mina who held the letter.
"Ok I will open it now." Mina said, gently tearing open the envelope revealing a small piece of folded paper.
Mina took the paper and unfolded it revealing writing in black sharpie. Her face turned into a confusion.
"What does it say!?" Cried Dahyun in complete interest.
When Mina didn't answer out of shock, Nayeon grabbed the paper out of Minas hands and read the paper out loud.

Dear members of Twice,
Through out the years you've been with one another, you've learned a lot of things about each other. You've learned how to tend to each other and how to annoy one another. It's amazing how strong your relationships are with another. But it's time to put your relationships to the test. Tomorrow you will come to the exact place the address says and be put to the ultimate test. One of you will betray the rest. More details will be explained tomorrow. Be there no later than 9 o'clock sharp and make sure to get a good nights rest.

Sincerely, ....Name Unknown....

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