Like a Child Pt 2

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Jihyo's eyes widened, "excuse me? What did you just say?"
"You heard me." Nayeon repeated, "I think I've been hear at least one hundred times before."
"Woah." Jihyo exclaimed, "that's some new information."
                "But I only remember certain events from one time I was here. I don't remember one hundred different scenarios. Just one. And their the same scenes each time." Nayeon explained.
               "Well, obviously your in a cycle." Jihyo concluded, she looked at the words Nayeon had written on the wall, "and I think you have to save us all to get out of the cycle."
               "Really?" Nayeon questioned.
               "Well what else could your past self mean?" Jihyo reasoned.
              "I've failed to save you guys over one hundred times." Nayeon sighed, "this must be harder than it looks."
              Jihyo tried to smile, "maybe this is the time you get it right."
              "I don't know, Jihyo." Nayeon hung her head low, "why me anyways? Why can't you be the one to save everyone?"
             Jihyo shrugged, "maybe cause you didn't die the first time we were all in here."
             "No, I did die. I died with you in my arms."
             Jihyo narrowed her eyebrows, "oh....probably cause you were the last to die then."
             "I was the last?" Said Nayeon.
             "Yeah, you said it yourself, you saw everyone else die. So you must've been the last."
              "But we died together, Jihyo."
              Jihyo blinked a couple times, "no I died before you. You were still alive when my eyes shut."
              "Oh really. I didn't know that." Nayeon paused realizing, " did you know that?!"
              Jihyo looked guilty to the side.
               Nayeon gasped, "you remembered too! Why didn't you tell me?"
              "I was too scared to tell." Jihyo explained, "I didn't know what was happening and I still don't know what's happening. But that's all I remember I swear. The only thing."
             "Weird." Nayeon huffed, "I wonder if you'll remember anything else."
             "I don't know. Maybe I will." Jihyo said, "but maybe we should continue looking for Dahyun so she doesn't die."
             "Right." Nayeon agreed, "let's go."

The two exited the room and continued their search down the hallway. They came to a couple of rooms and found nothing. They finally came to a nursery type room that was dark and gloomy.

"I think Dahyun would be too scared to come in here." Jihyo remarked.
"I don't like this place at all." Muttered Nayeon feeling a sense of deja vu again.
"Well we could at least look-" Jihyo suddenly paused.
"Look what?" Nayeon asked turned away form Jihyo, "Jihyo?" Nayeon suddenly peered upon the wall seeing letters written upon it in the same writing as the other room.
It read 'Doll' and that one word alone shocked Nayeon and suddenly she remembered.
"Jihyo! Don't!" But when she turned around it was too late. Jihyo was standing in front of her with the doll in her hand, as a child. Her eyes were bluer than the ocean.
          "No!" Nayeon whimpered and fell to the ground, "I should've seen it faster!" She went up to baby Jihyo and took the doll out of her hands and threw it across the room. And Jihyo's eyes turned to normal brown again.
         Jihyo blinked a couple times before saying, "Uh. Hello! Who are you?"
          Nayeon sighed, feeling like she was going to cry, but she couldn't cry in front of a little girl, especially if that little girl is Jihyo.
          "My name is Nayeon Unnie." She responded, "and I need you to listen to me."
          "Whatever you say." She smiled.
          "How old are you? Miss Jihyo?" Nayeon asked.
          "I am 10. And how did you know my name?" She asked innocently.
          "That doesn't matter." Nayeon smiled and held the girls hand, "but I-" Nayeon stopped as she noticed another drawing on the wall. It was next to where she wrote doll but it was different words.
         It read, 'sick poison.' And immediately Nayeon began to have flashes in her head once more. She saw Dahyun, pale as a sheet of paper and looking super sick. That's how she died. She died of sick poison and the explosion. But she doesn't remember how the explosion occurred or why.
        "Are you ok Unnie?" Jihyo asked squeezing her hand.
        Nayeon nodded at the girl, "look Jihyo, you need to make sure to stick with me at all times ok?"
        "Ok! Why? Is there danger?" Jihyo asked.
        "Uh." There was danger but Nayeon didn't want to scare Jihyo, "just a little bit."
        "Like a horror movie?" Jihyo questioned.
        "Umm. I guess." Nayeon replied.
        "I've always wanted to watch a horror movie!" Baby Jihyo exclaimed.
        Nayeon giggled, "are you ready to go then?"
        "Go where?" She asked.
        Nayeon put on a confident face, "to save your unnies!"



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