Believe Me

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                   "Nayeon! Nayeon!" Jihyo started smacking the girl who had just passed out after screaming and saying "we're all dead."
                   "Why isn't she waking up?!" Sana cried holding Nayeon's drooping head.
                   "Why did she say that?" Chaeyoung questioned, "she said that we're all dead."
                   "Maybe she's on drugs." Jeongyeon suggested plainly, "she's been being weird all morning."
                 "She's not on drugs you idiot!" Jihyo angrily answered back to Jeongyeon, "our Nayeon would never do drugs! She's probably just heartbroken."
                "Heartbroken?" Momo questioned Jihyo's reasoning.
               Jihyo did nothing but glare at Jeongyeon, "yes. She has told me stories of you Jeongyeon. She thinks you hate her."
               Jeongyeon's eyes widened for a second before they returned to normal, "hate?" She questioned.
              "What happened?" Dahyun asked and everyone else was wondering the same thing.
              Jeongyeon felt the overwhelming pressure from her members staring at her. But before she could answer the question, Nayeon gasped for air.
               "Nayeon!" Sana cheered, "your awake!"
              Nayeon was breathing frantically up and down in Sana and Jihyo's arms. Quickly, she got up and back away from the group. She looked at the house in front of her in fear and looked back at the members.
              "We can't go in there!" Nayeon yelled, "we can't!"
             "Why not?" Tzuyu was the first to ask, "I thought we all agreed to do this."
             "No!" Nayeon screamed back, "we will all die if we go in there!"
             "We're all dead." Jihyo repeated, "Nayeon what's wrong with you?"
             "Your on drugs aren't you?" Jeongyeon repeated her grim statement.
            "No!" Nayeon angrily yelled at Jeongyeon, "I don't remember everything! But I just know we will all die if we go in there!"
           "Why?" Said Chaeyoung, "it's just some silly game."
           "I don't know! Maybe it is! But....the visions!" Nayeon caressed her hands in her own hair, "I saw you die! All of you! And it was in that house! I've been through this before! I don't remember everything! But I remember your deaths! Including mine!"
          Sana seemed to be in shock, "is she for real?"
          "Maybe we should listen to her." Momo suggested, "I don't want to go in anyways."
          "I think we should just go see." Tzuyu inquired, "if we all stay together we won't die."
          "I agree." Said Chaeyoung.
         "No." Nayeon began shaking her head.
         "Nayeon. It was just a bad dream." Jihyo walked towards Nayeon. But Nayeon quickly backed away.
        "Well I'm going in." Jeongyeon stated, "who's coming with me?"
        "I'll go." Tzuyu and Chaeyoung both said.
        "I'll go too." Mina added.
        "I guess I'll go if everyone else is going." Dahyun shrugged.
        Jihyo, Momo and Sana looked at each other and at scared Nayeon.
         "I'll stay with Nayeon." Sana said, "you two go."
         "No, I want to stay too." Momo added.
         "Will you guys be ok?" Jihyo asked.
         "It's you who won't be ok." Nayeon whimpered.
         "Ok, then." Jihyo concluded, "I'll go in."
         She walked with the other twice members who were going inside, "take care you three."
          The girls started walking away from the three girls into the haunted house.

           Nayeon was quiet watching the six girls walk away, she began breathing heavily, "we can't let them go in there."
          "Did you really see us die?" Momo asked.
          "I saw you laying on the ground with a stab mark in your chest, Momo." Nayeon stated with a scary tone in her face.
          Momo gasped placing a hand on her chest, "that's terrible."
          "I saw you drown in a box filled with water, Sana." Nayeon said again, still staring at the girls.
          "What?" Sana said with unbelief, "that can't be."
        "It was so real." Nayeon mentioned, "Dahyun was caught in an explosion. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were stabbed in the stomach and Mina was stabbed by a glass bottle. Jeongyeon, Jihyo and I were killed by lava. And Jihyo looked to be only a baby."
        Sana and Momo couldn't believe all they've heard. 
        "Is that really going to happen to all of them in there?" Sana questioned.
        "Is there any way to stop it?" Momo asked.
        "You mean you guys believe me?" Nayeon asked.
        "We don't want to take the risk of it actually being true." Momo answered for the both of them.
        "But how do we stop it?" Sana asked again.
        "We would have to go in after them." Nayeon replied sadly, "I just have to remember what caused the deaths and figure out how to stop them."
        "There about to walk in." Sana said in a calm sense of urgency.
         Suddenly Nayeon felt a strong wind fly behind her. She remembered that door. It will shut tight as soon as they walk in.
         "Oh no." Nayeon muttered.
         "What?!" Momo and Sana both yelled at the same time.
         "Hurry!" Nayeon rushed beginning to sprint towards the others.
        "Come on!" Sana urged Momo and the two sprinted after Nayeon.
        "Stop!" Nayeon called. And the girls stopped right in front of the door to look back at the three girls.
        Nayeon stopped running and came to a halt, "We're coming with you."
          (Sorry for not updating in a long time. No it's not the end of the story but I might not be posting as much as I used to. But I will. Don't worry 😉)

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