when he met him (3)

706 19 45

mature language


George felt his heart pound when he realized that boy from his dream was sitting in the same class he was in.

God his smile.

His laugh.

The way his eyes lit up when he laughed.


The boy was talking to another taller boy with his hair looking to be all the way down to his hips. Not to mention it was very clearly dyed pink from top to bottom. He also had a very distinct monotone voice that echoed throughout the room.

George was fascinated by this long haired boy. There was something special about him, but he couldn't understand why.

He thought about just leaving so he wouldn't have to sit there knowing this boy said
"You'll find me soon George" in a dream.

Why the fuck would I just leave?

That's so unnecessary.

Kinda embarrassing too.

I'll just sit really far away from him.

He sat quite literally on the complete opposite side of where the boy was, which he was now calling "dream boy" in his head.

He heard that obnoxious bell as the teacher stood out of his desk holding a clipboard with a pen.

"Alright everyone, I'm Mr. Ramirez-"

George was barley listening to his teacher as he found himself staring at "dream boy".

He couldn't get over how perfect he was. There's no way someone that beautiful can exist.

He almost had a heart attack when he the boy's head turn his direction.

George made it look as if he were looking up in the corner, pretty close next to the boy.

He felt his heart pounding with a sting in his cheeks as he could feel the boys eyes on him.

Eventually he turned his head to face the teacher as he tried to pay at least some attention to what the teacher was saying.

"Alexander!" The teacher called as he looked around the room.

"Present!" The boy with long pink hair called. Raising his hand like a menace with his distinct monotone voice.

Looking in that direction again, George and the boy from caught eyes.

George caught himself analyzing his face again.

His eyes.

His nose.

His freckles.

His messy hair that practically covered his eyes.

His perfect jawline.

His lips.

Oh god his lips.

There's no way he's real.

No one can be that fucking gorgeous.

No matter how bad George wanted to look away out of embarrassment he couldn't.

It was as if the boy was pulling his gaze towards him. making sure that George wouldn't look away.

The boy quite literally did the triangle method while tilting his head with a smirk.

Oh Fuck.

George quite literally almost slammed his head into the desk right then and there.

"Clay!" The teacher called.

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