when he met him (2)

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mature language


George felt alone in America. He'd just moved here and now he has to go to a completely different school where he knows no one.

He felt stupid. Feeling like he was apart of those cheesy teen drama movies where he's that one quiet new kid nobody knows.

Not to mention he's been a closeted gay since the start of middle school.

I look stupid.

I look so stupid it's ridiculous.

Although not many people were looking at him, he couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes were on him.

He felt everyone's stares. Only almost no one was looking at him and he knew.

This is so stupid.

You're not the main fucking character George

No one's looking at you you're fine.

"Excuse me!" He heard an adult voice call to him. Realizing he's subconsciously walked into his homeroom.

"Oh... sorry I kinda zoned out." He uttered.

The teacher seemed taken back by Georges voice. Of course George wasn't surprised. He'd seemed to be the only brit in the school.

"Uh. Name please?"

"George Davidson."

He watched as his teacher pointed his finger all over a sheet of paper that looked to be almost a map of the classroom with names in boxes.

"Ah." The teacher finally paused on a box with George's name.

"Right over there next to Niki." He uttered as he pointed towards the back corner of the class.

George turned to look at his seat. Seeing a short girl with short, straight and pink hair. Eyeliner she had clearly made as a cat eye as well as subtle freckles across her cheeks and nose.

He heard his teacher let out a very audible sigh behind him. "Gorgeous isn't she?"

George turned around to face the teacher. Feeling awkward after the comment.

"Y-yeah..." He muttered. Making sure he looked and sounded awkward.

He sighed walking to the seat he was assigned.

"Hey I love your shirt!" A soft voice with a slight accent spoke.

He looked to the source of the voice as he took his seat next to Niki. Smiling at her comment.

"Oh! Thanks!" He smiled as he looked down at his pink tee with a strawberry milk carton on it.

"Where'd you get it?" she asked in a bubbly tone.

"I honestly don't remember. I've had this shirt for a while and I really like it!"

"Bummer." She whined. "I wanted to get one of my own!"

George giggled a little. "I would tell you where I got it but I literally can't remember."

The two shared another laugh as they went back to silence. Comfortable silence.

"Is this your first time in America?" She broke the silence.

"Is it my accent?"

"How else do you think I would've guessed?"

"Okay! Okay!" George giggled.

"Uhm- yeah. This is my first time in America. And I won't be leaving anytime soon. I honestly don't think my parents will ever let me leave..."

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