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mature language
mentions of neglect
mentions of rape


He couldn't see from inside his closet. He only listened as he heard footsteps walking around his room.

"George if you're hiding right now this is not funny." He heard her scold. She did not sound happy. 

He couldn't hear any other female voice in the room or hear any other pair of footsteps so he felt somewhat safe to ask.

"Is it just you mum?" He muttered.

"What do you mean is it just me? Yes of course it is!" She uttered as he slowly opened the closet door.

He looked around the room only seeing her.

"Woah, mum are you okay? You don't look too happy right now." He uttered walking towards her.

"Because I'm not! I didn't raise you like this! Like are you kidding me right now!?" She began to yell.

George jumped a little at his mother's anger. He wasn't used to seeing her so upset especially at him. He's never seen her this angry. Ever.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" George threw his hands.

"Oh you know exactly what you did! Don't you play dumb with me now!" She scoffed.

"Mum please tell me what I did I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Do you want to explain to me why this poor girl came up to our doorstep and completely broke down telling us that our kid raped her?!"

George felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. Feeling as his stomach began to spin after his heart hit the bottom of that pit.

"What...?" George felt his tears build up.

"Are you serious mum...? Do you really think I would do that!?" George began to raise his voice as he felt his tears fall from his face.

"That's what we were told George! What the hell is wrong with you!?" She yelled.

"Mum I'm gay! I don't like women! Plus you know I wouldn't do anything like that!" George cried.

"There's nothing wrong with you being gay George! I don't care if you have sex with men! But you raping someone is why I'm upset! Like I can't believe you right now!"

"Mum I was raped!" George yelled. Now sobbing.

"I was the one that was raped by her! She drugged and raped me! You're really gonna believe some random girl over your son!?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore George." She complained.

"There's a video mum! There's a video of me being raped! For the love of god can you please just believe your son instead of some random ass girl that showed up on our doorstep!?"

"Oh yeah? Show me the video!" She scolded.

"I don't have it but I swear to you my friend Tommy has it! He took the video he practically saved me! Believe me please! Please for the love of god believe your son!" George felt his knees get weak as he pleaded for his mom's trust. Sobbing as he pleaded.

They kept going back and forth that morning. George breaking down right in front of his mom whilst she didn't believe him. His mom yelling at him for something he didn't do. It went on and on for what felt like hours.

Eventually it got too loud for the poor father. He sat there in the living room whilst he heard this loud brawl of a conversation. Barging in as he stopped the brawl. It made George late for first period.

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