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mature language
slight mentions of neglect


mum :)

honey i've seen the video. i'm
so sorry i didn't believe you. i shouldn't
have kicked you out i'm so sorry.

if you hate me i understand. i didn't
believe you and that's my fault i'm so sorry.

please come back home george. we miss you.

George stared at the message feeling his heart drop so quickly.

He caught himself as he placed his phone down on the table. Beginning to feel anxious about it.

"Hey!" He heard a cheerful voice take a seat next to him.

He turned to the source of the voice as he saw a tall brunette with his hair fluffed up as the bangs were swooped to his left. His eyes looked to be gray with a tint of blue mixed in them.

His nails were painted purple on every other finger as the rest were painted black.

He looked like a nice guy yet he'd never seen him before.

"Hi." George mumbled.

"I like your hoodie! Where'd you get it?" The guy smiled.

He looked down at his black hoodie that had a white squared swirl in the middle of it.

Remembering it's one of Dream's hoodies that he'd been sleeping in for a while now.

"Oh this is actually my uh... someone close gave this to me." He smiled.

"I actually don't know where he got it from though."

"Bummer. It's a cool hoodie! I like the swirl!"

"What's your name?" George questioned.

"Oh! Sorry that was kinda rude of me! I'm Karl. I'm actually new." He smiled.

"That's why I've never seen you! I'm George by the way and, obviously, I'm British." George giggled.

"Yeah I could tell! Your voice is pretty!" Karl smiled tilting his head.

He caught himself as he uttered those words. "Sorry! I get kinda bold sometimes." He giggled.

George felt a little shocked at the comment. "Oh that's okay! I... I get that a lot."

"I bet you do!" Karl smiled shrugging his shoulders.

George felt a little awkward yet he just let it wash out of his mind as he tried paying attention to his class. The messages from his mom still on his mind.

Once class ended George was stopped at the door by Karl.

"Wait George! Can you send me pictures of the notes? I missed a couple of them because I dozed off." He smiled.

"Oh yeah! What's your number?"

Dream waited at the locker for a bit until he noticed George talking with someone he'd never seen before.

He couldn't help but feel his jealousy rise a bit. Trying to hold back from approaching the two.

It got to the best of him as he made his way towards George.

"Hey George! Who's this?" He uttered wrapping his arm around George's shoulder.

George looked up to Dream as he smiled at the sight of him.

"Oh! This is Karl! Karl this is Dream! Karl's new here and he just needs a couple notes from class." George reassured looking at Dream.

"I see." Dream uttered slowly taking his arm off George. Feeling a little better now they he knew the context.

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