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mature language
slight mentions of rape


The two woke up to the alarms on both their phones they've set up. Dream didn't get much sleep since he couldn't stop thinking about everything that's been happening on twitter. Not to mention all social medias now.

He wasn't gonna tell George about it. Of course he wasn't, he didn't want to stress him out.

All that was on his mind while he was getting ready was the whole situation. He felt so much guilt for being the first person to spread that video.

People are actually siding with Melissa instead of George, yet he spread that video for people to see her true colors.

Should I have just not shown that guy?

I can't be the one to tell George he'll get stressed.

Why do I mess up so much...?

People do believe George... but there's still those who don't.

God damnit!

Just... go to school and we'll see how shit goes...

it's Friday.


As soon as the two stepped foot on campus they were met with everyone's eyes on them.
Specifically George.

George couldn't help but feel his anxiety rise seeing everyone's eyes on him. He had no idea why they were all staring at him. Not why they have been for the past couple days.

Yet he just tried to ignore it by proceeding to walk to his first class with Dream by his side.

Dream felt a little protective walking George to class. Especially when George was practically squeezing his arm as they made there way to his class.

He felt a little intimidating making eye contact with people that were looking at George. Yet he didn't glare at them he just simply gave them eye contact.

As Dream was about to walk to the class he needed to go to he was stopped by George.

"Dream." He heard him utter.


"Why is everyone looking at me...?"

Dream felt his heart sink yet again. He didn't want to tell him until after school what was going on.

"I don't know..." He shrugged.

"But you just gotta act like you don't give a shit about it. Just walk by without noticing anyone that looks at you." He uttered one last time before patting his head and walking off to his class. Feeling worried on his way there.


As lunch time hit, Dream almost felt himself rushing to find George. Anxiously waiting where they usually meet.


He pulled his phone out reading the notification shown.

pretty boy <3

i'm sitting with alex and niki btw :)

He sighed in relief. Making his way over to where he first met Niki and Alex. Feeling he could ask them about the situation.


Dream found himself having lots of fun with Alex and Niki. They're some of the sweetest people he's ever met.

They'd talk about video games, pets they have, what they like to do, complain about teachers and it was just so entertaining for Dream. George felt happy seeing him happy.

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