The plan

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Me, becoming pregnant slowly sinks in. I feel nauseous at certain food or smell though it was my favorite thing to eat or the scent I love! I feel constant dizziness and my waist was throbbing in pain at times, I wonder why when my belly was not bulging yet.

Oh! baby bumps! I should start taking photos of my belly to see changes... Right, right! Photo album of my first child from my belly to his adulthood. That would be the best gift for the kid's future partner! hahaha... No! It's my treasure can't give it to anyone.

Dad and my mother were so hands-on with me, though dad had to care for Saifa's sister too. I had to force Boss to go to the company and not be with me for twenty-four hours, I suddenly hate his face! ( ɵ̥̥‸ɵ̥̥) but when I don't see him I get irritated so, in the end, we had to video call every hour even if he was in a meeting. I also hug his robe from last night, it was reeking of his pheromones which calms me.ヾ(^∇^)

Now, I'm currently alone in Boss's room. We all decided that I should stay in the Sermsongwittaya house. Actually, I was overpowered! The decision was four versus one, I'm that one. Today was Friday and I was absent now for three days.

Ring. Ring.

Of course, my best friend was worried. Seeing the name on my phone I hurriedly press the answer button and greet him with my brightest voice, "My beloved friend, Sky!!! I missshhhhh shhoooo so much!!!" I miss him but I had to placate him before he starts nagging me.

"Whatever. What happen to you?" and he was not moved at all. My poor heart.

"Nothing happen to me, absolutely not!" my voice raised like a chicken crowing without tune, I don't know how to inform Sky about it. He will grab my hair and say that I'm stupid! kidding, Sky will never do that!

"Sure?" he was calm, I'm afraid. grrrr...

"Yes, of course! I'm the calmest person on earth. Why wouldn't I be calm? Are you calm?" Oh. Whatever. When I'm nervous I get to speak nonsense. Did I do this with Boss? I hope not!

"You're pregnant." My best friend was the best!

"Aha. I am. You will become an uncle. Next week I will- wait! How did you know?!!" My best friend was truly the best, was he a fortune teller? I was surprised that I quickly sat up from my lying position. Shoot! That was a good position, now I have to find that comfortable angle again.

"Pai told me and you didn't." Sigh, I'm the worst. I should have said it to my best friend first. I will cut Boss's tongue later when he returns! "... but I understand. Are you scared? Do you want me to visit you? I can sleep over." My eyes sting hearing Sky's words. I'm really the worst and my best friend was the best.

"Sky!!!! Waaahhhhhhhh" I let out a loud sob like a child finding someone he can share his secrets with, "I'm pregnant... waaahhhh, my body will change, my stomach will grow big, then my asshole will have a huge opening it will be so lose that Boss will not like me anymore! Waaahhhh"

This was what I hate the most, after knowing and confirming that I'm pregnant my self-esteem decreased. All negative things came to mind, one of which was Boss's leaving me. Boss did not lack in expressing his love but I'm still so pessimistic.

"Wait for me." I seem to hear him say that but I'm not sure if I heard it right. The line was not cut and I heard footsteps on his end so as outside the room. "Rain," I was embraced by a familiar warmth - Sky was here.

Then, I cried again. I can't cry in front of Boss like this, I don't want to worry him. My alpha will panic and be hurt. "Cry it out. Let it all out." Sky embraced me until I was tired of crying and no tears were left to flow.

"I'm pregnant, Sky." my voice was hoarse from crying, "I did not tell you, I'm sorry."

"You owe me one. Are you afraid of your body changing?" He was the gentlest person I knew, Sky knows how to deal with me aside from Boss.

I nodded.

"That's normal. Don't be guilty about it. Do you trust Boss?"

I nodded again.

"Do you trust his love for you?"

Again, I nodded.

"If you do, then there is no need to feel this way but whatever you feel now is valid, okay? Our body changes even if we're pregnant or not. Your hole will return to normal after giving birth. I also know some exercises to make it tight again, we can try that."

"Also, you are glowing. You will not glow if you are not loved and pampered." Sky was smiling as he talk to me. I feel okay from his words. I am glad I have him.

"I am?" Am I sparkling like a diamond? So I'm still gorgeous? I'm still sexy?

"You are!"

Hahahaha... after crying, the room was filled with laughter. I'm crazy. I know. But having someone to understand you just felt so good. The sky outside was clear and the sun was shining bright. I'm loved.

"What do you plan to do now?" Plan? I have been thinking about it for days now.

"I want my baby to be legitimate," I said with sincerity and firmness. "My baby can't be born out of wedlock." My baby will be the firstborn of the family in this generation, everything should start right.

Sky embraced me again and said, "Congratulations soon-to-be papa and legal partner of Boss Chaikamon Sermsongwittaya." Soon to be father and Boss's husband, suddenly my heart leaped up from joy. I love the sound of it.

"By the way, why are you here so fast?"

"Boss asked me to come. Your alpha called me last night cause he was worried about you."


"Thanks to that I know you're pregnant. Pai told me you were pregnant though, that man was funny when he is jealous." Oh. Sky was laughing. He was happy mentioning other alpha now. I'm glad, I want my best friend to be happy too.

"When do you plan to get married?"

"Next week." ◝(^⌣^)◜

"What?!" ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀

I married the Alpha bastard {completed}Where stories live. Discover now