The jealousy

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It was nine in the morning when we finished our breakfast. I had to go back to my house to get my things. Today was the first day of my exam, as a first-year Architecture student, I have to work hard and as much as possible complete my school attendance. 

Even romance can't stop me!

Boss offered to drive me to my house. We were both sitting at the back with one person size in between. The drive was smooth. Boss was busy looking at his tablet and could be reading those business emails. It wasn't a new sight to me since I always saw this in dramas. 

"Hey! What are you reading?" I lean closer to him pretending not to know that he's already working. 

"Reading documents..." he said. Boring. No, actually I admire him. He's leading a big company at a young age and starts his day before he reaches the company. What a lovely man. 

"Oh. You also know designs like this?" I can see the building design on the tablet, a very meticulous one. 

He enlarged the document on the bottom part and there I saw his name, the architect. "Wow! You're  an architect?" I was so surprised and happy that I lift my head to face him... there my eyes met his. I can only grin looking at his beautiful face. Ah! Boss scored a full ten today... 

"Rain..." he moves his head closer to my neck and sniffs me, "... you smell extra good." 


Mister, please! Don't be so slutty. Sniffing an omega, you know what it means! Did I smell extra good? Hehe... 

"your pheromones... smell like your name - rain," he whispered in my ears. Gosh! he loves to play this kind of trick, whispering in someone's ears. 

To continue the conversation, I subconsciously placed my nose on his neck and like he did, sniff it, "you smell like coffee... dark coffee." I'm blushing. Oh god, I'm blushing!

I heard him swallow his saliva, his throat move up and down as he loosen his tie, "Rain..." his voice so low and a hand slowly find its way to my waist, "... Rain." his grip was getting tighter and tighter, his nose continuously sniffing me, "... Rain..." 

I love hearing my name from his mouth, it sounds so glorious and sexy. He put his head on my shoulder still sniffing me, "Is your heat coming?"

Oh! speaking of heat, he had his rut yesterday... "Is your rut done?" I ask worriedly. 

Another hand envelope my waist, the tablet that occupy all his attention a while ago was left unattended on the car floor. "I take medicine this morning." He was like a clinging puppy, "... and your heat?"

"Hmm... I still have one week. Good thing exam came before my heat." 

Talking about heat and rut was supposed to be awkward as it was a private matter for couples but somehow I don't feel any of that. I am comfortable talking about my heat with Boss. 

"How... how do you spend your heat?" His voice was getting hoarse and I can feel his body heating up. "Is... someone helping you?" he grips tighter after asking the last question. 

"Yeah, I get hel- arghhh!" he bit me on my shoulder just enough to startle me, "why did you bite me?" I ask innocently. 

He lifts his head from my shoulder and looks at me in the eyes, I can sense fire in those eyes, "Can I help you instead?" he gulps, licking his lips wet he continued, "... don't let anyone touch you... please."

I smiled, understanding what he misunderstood, "It's medicine. I get help from medicine."

His eyes then twinkle hearing my words, "medicine is bad for you..."

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