*Sunny's Bar and Grill*

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*Taurus and Aquarius are in the back of the restaurant, at the bar with plates full of fresh, warm bar food and delicious non-alcoholic beverages.* *Aqua is taking a drink order from an older opulent women.*
TAURUS: What happened next?
AQUARIUS: Gemini and Sagittarius wanted to tell me to tell you that Moonie wants revenge on you.
TAURUS: They have honestly lost their damn minds.
AQUARIUS: They have. It must be the drugs fucking up their brains. *Takes a bite of his cheeseburger.*
TAURUS: Moonie is one of my closest friends and nicest people. *Takes a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich.*
AQUARIUS: Gemini is probably mad that you and Moonie have a toxic-free friendship.
TAURUS: That could had been us but she fucked me over too many times.
TAURUS: It's like, leave me alone. I don't want drama in my life.
AQUARIUS: Speaking of drama, my adopted parents want to hangout.
TAURUS: Are you going to do it?
AQUARIUS: Hell nah.
TAURUS: Take Aqua with you.
AQUARIUS: I don't want anything to do with those liars.
TAURUS: I feel you. I hate liars. Like, why lie?
AQUARIUS: Exactly. Just tell the fucking truth.
*Taurus looks pass Aquarius, drinking his coke and sees Leo and some mysterious girl with brunette shoulder length hair and dark eyes to match.* *The two are laughing at their circular table.*
TAURUS: There he goes cheating again.
AQUARIUS: Who are you talking about?
TAURUS: Leo. He's here with another girl besides Libra.
TAURUS: Turn around, but be causal about it.
*Aquarius follows Taurus' instructions and finds Leo and the mysterious girl.* *He rapidly looks back at Taurus.*
AQUARIUS: This isn't going to end well.
TAURUS: Once a cheater, always a cheater.
AQUARIUS: Are you going to tell her?
TAURUS: She didn't tell me about Sagittarius' cheating.
TAURUS: Plus, the only thing on my mind is to get Gemini remove from the dance squad.
AQUARIUS: If you need help, I'm here.
TAURUS: Thanks but Moonie and I got it.
AQUARIUS: Just looking out for my best friend.
TAURUS: Number one best friend. *Takes a sip of her diet Coke.*

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