*Taurus' Locker*

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*Taurus is chatting with Moonie and two of the dance team members as Sagittarius joins their circle.*
SAGITTARIUS: Hey Taurus. Can I speak to you?
*Taurus and the three other dancers look up at Sagittarius.*
TAURUS: There's nothing to talk about.
SAGITTARIUS: What about our Valentine's plans for today?
TAURUS: Cancelled just like you.
SAGITTARIUS: I want you. I love you.
TAURUS: You should had thought about that before putting your dirty dick inside Gemini's pussy.
SAGITTARIUS: And I regret ever doing that to you.
TAURUS: You embarrassed me in front of the entire school. Even Mrs. Zodiac knows that you cheated on me.
SAGITTARIUS: I wasn't expecting her to make that speech.
TAURUS: And I wasn't expecting my boyfriend to be unfaithful.
SAGITTARIUS: She doesn't matter, you do.
TAURUS: Go spend Valentine's day with Gemini. Her schedule is available, now that she's off the team.
SAGITTARIUS: You kicked her off the team?.
MOONIE: Majority vote.
SAGITTARIUS: You shouldn't kick her off the team, because of me.
TAURUS: We kicked her off the team for all the foul shit she has done.
SAGITTARIUS: That's stupid. She loves to dance. Dance is her life.
TAURUS: Why did I ever date you? *Walks away.*
*The three dancers follow their captain.*
PISCES: *Joins Sagittarius.* That's painful to watch someone who you love, walk away.
SAGITTARIUS: She'll come back.
PISCES: I don't think so.
PISCES: You might as well start dating Gemini again.
SAGITTARIUS: I'll never date or fuck Gemini ever again.
PISCES: Never say never.

ZODIAC HIGH PART 2Where stories live. Discover now