*Virgo's Locker*

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VIRGO: I just wished my fiancé and father got along.
CANCER: I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that type of drama.
VIRGO: You lucky bitch.
CANCER: *Shrugs.* I guess, but my mom does bring up Aries' past history of cheating every now and then.
VIRGO: Really?
CANCER: Yes and it's annoying. *Roll eyes.*
VIRGO: Does your mom like him?
CANCER: Not really.
VIRGO: Does Aries know?
CANCER: No and don't tell him. Don't tell nobody else. I don't have time to deal with drama right now.
VIRGO: Fair enough. I miss when life was drama free.
CANCER: It's all the guy's fault.
*Virgo nods her head in agreement.*
*Libra joins her friends, holding her French textbook, wearing a frown on her face today.*
CANCER: Hey Libra. Why you look so sad?
VIRGO: Did you and Leo break up?
LIBRA: No. But lately he has been blowing off.
CANCER: That fucking sucks.
VIRGO: You better hope he isn't cheating on you.
LIBRA: Why would you say that?
VIRGO: Because he's blowing you off.
CANCER: And you did creep with him behind Taurus' back.
LIBRA: He told me he's not cheating on me.
CANCER: You never know these days. Guys ain't shit these days.
LIBRA: No what, I'm going to try to think positive today. He's probably planning some type of elegant surprise for me or catching up on homework. I'll talk to guys later, I gotta take a piss before first period starts. Au revoir!
*Cancer and Virgo watch their friend disappear and look at each other.*
CANCER: That would suck if Leo was cheating on her.
VIRGO: Taurus would be delighted if that's true.
CANCER: What if he's cheating on Libra with Taurus?
VIRGO: Doubt so. They both equally can't stand each other.
CANCER: We never thought Aries would cheat on me with Gemini.
VIRGO: You do have a point.
CANCER: I always have a point.
VIRGO: Okay, calm your tits.

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