*2nd Period History Class*

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*Libra avoids eye contact with Leo as he claim his seat next to his girlfriend.*
LEO: Hey beautiful! You miss me?
LIBRA: Fuck off.
LEO: *Knits his eyebrow in confusion.* What did I do?
LIBRA: You cheated!
LEO: I'm not cheating on you.
*A couple of students are eavesdropping on the Leo and Libra's conversation.*
LIBRA: Then explain why people have been seeing you with some other girl.
LEO: I'm not cheating.
LIBRA: Taurus told me she saw you with some girl at Sunny's bar and grill.
LEO: Oh.
LIBRA: Oh? Oh what?
LEO: Its not what you think.
LIBRA: Explain then.
LEO: I can't.
LIBRA: What you mean you can't explain?
LEO: You'll see.
LIBRA: All I see is a cheater.
LEO: I'm not cheating.
LIBRA: Why can't you tell me about this mysterious girl?
LEO: Because, she's helping me with something.
LIBRA: Helping you with what?
LEO: I can't tell you. It's a surprise.
LIBRA: Tell me.
LEO: I can't baby.
LIBRA: And I can't do this relationship.
LEO: You're breaking up with me?
LIBRA: You'll be fine. You already got another girl.
LEO: You're the only girl I'm seeing.
LIBRA: Not anymore. *Looks away from Leo.*

ZODIAC HIGH PART 2Where stories live. Discover now