*Black Hole Park*

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*Moonie walks up to Sagittarius, who is smoking his blunt on the red plastic slide.*
SAGITTARIUS: *Offers blunt to Moonie.* You wanna hit?
*Sagittarius shrugs and takes another hit.*
MOONIE: We need to get revenge on Gemini.
SAGITTARIUS: *Blows smoke.* Why?
MOONIE: She told Taurus about my plan.
SAGITTARIUS: I know. She told me in science class.
MOONIE: That bitch can't keep her mouth shut.
SAGITTARIUS: Taurus doesn't believe her, so who cares.
MOONIE: I care.
SAGITTARIUS: Who cares about Gemini. We're focus on Taurus and Aquarius.
MOONIE: And now Gemini.
SAGITTARIUS: You're stupid.
MOONIE: And you're a slut.
SAGITTARIUS: The sexiest slut you ever met.
MOONIE: Fuck it! I'll do it myself. I don't need you.
SAGITTARIUS: You'll be back.
*Moonie walks away with annoyance covering her whole face.*

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