*Zodiac High Cafeteria*

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*The twelve zodiac signs gather that their usual table in the middle of the cafeteria with their lunches.*
CANCER: We haven't had lunch together in awhile.
ARIES: Facts. *Sips on Coke can.*
SCORPIO: Because today is a special day.
SAGITTARIUS: You're pregnant.
*Taurus takes a sip of her water bottle.*
SCORPIO: Gemini and I saw Xena, Moonie and Europa plotting inside Milky's Ice Cream Shop last night.
PISCES: Are you sure they were plotting?
SAGITTARIUS: Yeah. Maybe they were hanging out.
GEMINI: Lets be real. When does Xena hangout with Moonie and Europa?
SAGITTARIUS: You do have a point there.
TAURUS: And plus, Celeste told Cancer and I that they're planning on getting their revenge on all of us.
LEO: I haven't done shit to them, why am I involve?
CAPRICORN: You made of Europa's shoes last year.
LEO: So did Aries.
ARIES: But I stopped, you kept going.
LEO: I was joking.
CANCER: You was being a bully. You both were.
LEO: But I apologize to her later on that day.
GEMINI: Obviously, she hasn't forgiven you.
VIRGO: And you also vomit on Moonie's brand new shoes at Mar's party.
LEO: One, that was sophomore year and two, I apologized to her.
AQUARIUS: Whether you like it or not, they want your blood.
LEO: This is some bullshit. They're some fucking haters for real.
AQUARIUS: Look. We all know there plan isn't going to succeed.
LIBRA: Of course not. Aries, call your assassin person.
VIRGO: We don't need an assassin.
ARIES: Why you got to ruin all the fun?
VIRGO: Because, it's not that serious.
CANCER: How you know?
VIRGO: They know better to kill us.
LEO: I'm just saying, I'm too sexy to die.
CAPRICORN: You're not that sexy, calm down.
LEO: Hater.
SCORPIO: No one isn't going to die.
LEO: What about those Lifetime movies?
GEMINI: It's a movie.
LEO: Inspired by true events.
CAPRICORN: They're not going to kill us.
LEO: You never know. Scream anybody.
AQUARIUS: There's no killer in our town.
LEO: Not yet.
LIBRA: We have to beat those bitches at their own game.
ARIES: It would be hilarious if they strike on prom night.
VIRGO: They better not! They're not going to ruin my—I mean our senior prom.
GEMINI: Speaking of prom, what's our theme?
VIRGO: Astrology. *Joyful smile appears on her face.*
LIBRA: I love it! *Claps hands together.*
TAURUS: Zodiac High never done that before.
PISCES: That's a cool ass idea.
VIRGO: Thanks everyone!
SCORPIO: Our last dance.
VIRGO: That's why it has to be prefect.
CAPRICORN: And it will be, but we gotta take down those lames.
SCORPIO: Oh, we will.
ARIES: They're going to regret messing with us.
SCORPIO: I just can't wait to wipe the joy off their face when their plan fails. *Smirks.*

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