*Gemini's Locker*

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*Gemini opens up her locker as Solar and Celeste passes by.*
SOLAR: Homewrecker.
*Celeste giggles.*
*Gemini rolls her eyes.*
*Taurus, Moonie and two of the other dance team members approach Gemini's locker.*
TAURUS: Gemini.
*Gemini turns around, facing Taurus and her dance team.*
GEMINI: Hey Taurus. What's up?
TAURUS: You're officially off the dance team.
GEMINI: What?! No the fuck I'm not!
TAURUS: We made a group decision and we decided that we don't want you on the dance team no more.
GEMINI: You're not the coach.
TAURUS: But I'm the captain.
GEMINI: And I'm captain when you're not available.
TAURUS: Just turn in your uniform by the end of the day. *Walks off.*
*Moonie and the two other dancers follows their captain.*
GEMINI: What the fuck?
FRESHMAN: You shouldn't never fucked Sagittarius. *Twisting the combination code on her locker, next to Gemini.*
GEMINI: Shut up freshman.

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