*Cappies Restaurant*

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SAGITTARIUS: I want to say, thank you for inviting me to your birthday dinner and Happy Birthday.
CAPRICORN: Don't try to drug me or any of my guests.
SAGITTARIUS: I won't. *Takes his seat next to Taurus.*
TAURUS: I can't wait to eat some lobster.
CANCER: Crawfish sounds good.
ARIES: Yuck.
PISCES: Don't hate on the crawfish
ARIES: I don't know how y'all eat that shit.
TAURUS: It's good.
ARIES: You eat anything.
TAURUS: Food is yummylicious.
LIBRA: A snow crab should fill me up.
LEO: I'm doing the king crab leg combo.
ARIES: Fatass.
AQUARIUS: Maybe we should do a seafood boil.
SCORPIO: That sounds like a good idea.
VIRGO: And we don't have to give the waiter a hard time with splitting the bill.
CANCER: As long as we have crawfish, I'm gucci.
AQUARIUS: What do you think birthday boy or should I say man?
CAPRICORN: Works for me.
*Gemini enters the restaurant, grinning in her fabulous outfit.*
CAPRICORN: And tonight will be drama-free. *Raises water glass.*
*The rest of the 10 signs raise their water glasses.*
TAURUS: I can't wait to show off my outfit for turnabout.
LIBRA: Same!
SAGITTARIUS: What if you two show up in the same outfit.
SCORPIO: Stop instigating.
SAGITTARIUS: *Shrugs.* I'm just saying.
LIBRA: That will never happen.
TAURUS: Agree.
CANCER: I'm ready to eat. Where's the waiter at?
LEO: The twins are hungry.
CAPRICORN: Before the waiter comes back, I'll like to make announcement.
*Stands up.*
GEMINI: *Appears at the table.* Hey everyone!
TAURUS: Please tell me this isn't the announcement.
CAPRICORN: *Glances at Gemini and back at his table.* It's not. *Looks back at Gemini.* Why are you here?
GEMINI: I was invited.
VIRGO: No you wasn't.
GEMINI: Cap's mom invited me after I broke the news to her about being a grandparent.
VIRGO: You fucking bitch!
CAPRICORN: So you're the one who ruined our original plans.
GEMINI: She was going to find out eventually.
CANCER: Why are you so evil?
GEMINI: Why are you still with Aries?
ARIES: Why are you here? No one fucks with you.
GEMINI: I love seafood.
VIRGO: Leave.
GEMINI: No thank you. *Walks over to the empty seat next to Libra, facing Sagittarius.*
VIRGO: Great! Now the party is ruined.
GEMINI: The party is just getting started.
SCORPIO: NO. Your prescene ruined it.
GEMINI: I'm not the only one who done fuckshit in this group.
SCORPIO: But you're the one who blurted out Virgo's secret to Europa.
LIBRA: And you blackmailed Virgo and Capricorn to change the turnabout theme.
GEMINI: I didn't mean for the secret to come out. I even told Europa to keep it a secret but it was too late. And second, Jungle Fever sounds better and sexier.
TAURUS: Maybe you should had pitched your theme to student council instead of trying to blackmail them.
EUROPA: *Approaches the table.* May I take your order?
*The group looks up at Europa.*
CAPRICORN: This day keeps getting worse and worse.
EUROPA: I'm just here to do my job.
CAPRICORN: Can I speak to the manager?
EUROPA: What's everyone ordering so I can give it to the chef?
PISCES: I'm not high enough for this.
SAGITTARIUS: Shit. I'm sober.
CAPRICORN: We're doing Missy's seafood boil.
EUROPA: You want one or two? Two will fill everyone up.
EUROPA: Anything to drink?
SAGITTARIUS: A long Island.
EUROPA: That's only for 21 and over.
*Europa rolls her eyes.*
VIRGO: I just want a new waitress.
EUROPA: Drinks?
GEMINI: I'll take a Sprite.
LEO: *Lifts finger.* Same.
LIBRA: Raspberry Lemonade.
CANCER: Lemonade.
ARIES: Coke.
PISCES: Coke for me.
SAGITTARIUS: Make that three.
SCORPIO: Root beer.
CAPRICORN: Mountain Dew.
AQUARIUS: Orange soda.
TAURUS: Lemonade.
EUROPA: *Scribbling on notepad and looks at Virgo.* And you?
VIRGO: I rather have your face on a platter but I'm fine with water.
*Europa walks away, rolling her eyes.*
LIBRA: Did anyone know she worked here?
TAURUS: Gemini probably knew.
GEMINI: I don't even fuck with Europa like that.
CANCER: You told Virgo's secret to her.
GEMINI: And I apologize for that. I shouldn't had blackmailed Capricorn and Virgo into changing the theme.
CANCER: Any other shit you want to apologize for?
GEMINI: You're the one who's still with Aries.
CANCER: And you were the one fucking him behind my back.
GEMINI: I shouldn't had fucked you over, but that's in the past.
CANCER: Ruining friendships for some dick.
GEMINI: Aries ruin his relationship over some pussy.
ARIES: Leave me out of this.
PISCES: Maybe you should leave Gemini.
GEMINI: I leave when everyone else leaves.
AQUARIUS: I guess we all should get going.
GEMINI: Not funny Aquarius.
LIBRA: Capricorn was going to announce something until you came.
GEMINI: He can announce it now.
CAPRICORN: Not when you're here.
GEMINI: I apologize for my behavior.
LEO: *Mumbles.* But you can't apologize for fucking Taurus' boyfriend.
*Libra elbows Leo in the ribs.*
LEO: Ouch!
GEMINI: Are you talking shit about me Leo?
LEO: Can you shut up?
CAPRICORN: This isn't how I picture my birthday dinner going.
VIRGO: I tried baby.
CAPRICORN: I know. *Pulls out ring box.* And I appreciate everything you have done for me. All the fun memories we share and the happiness you bring to my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. *Opens the ring box, revealing the engagement ring.* Will you marry me Virgo?
*Libra and Cancer scream in joy.*
SCORPIO: Oh my fucking gosh! Cap is proposing to Virgo!
*Taurus is squealing in her seat.*
AQUARIUS: *Looking at Leo with his phone out.* You're recording this?
LEO: I'm on Instagram live.
*Europa and two of her bussers appear at the table, holding circular trays filled with drinks.*
VIRGO: Yes! I will marry you!
*Europa loses her balance and falls to the ground.* *She's cover in colorful liquids.* *The two bussers stare at the helpless Europa.*
SAGITTARIUS: *Stands up.* Did Europa fall?
PISCES: That's what she gets.
*Virgo and Capricorn's lips apart from one another.*

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