*Libra's Mansion: Libra's Bedroom*

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*Libra is pacing back and forth in her room, talking on the phone with Leo.*
LIBRA: So you're cancelling on me again?
LEO: *Over the phone.* I'm sorry wifey. I have to take care of something.
LIBRA: You sure you can't cancel that appointment or whatever? I wanna see you.
LEO: No.
LIBRA: Well this fucking sucks.
LEO: I'll make it up to you tomorrow.
LIBRA: I told you already, I have to go to this charity event with my parents tomorrow.
LEO: I love you.
LIBRA: I love you too. Bye. *Hangs up on boyfriend.*
*Libra tosses her phone on the bed.*
LIBRA: I look fabulous and I can't even show off my outfit. What a fucking waste.
*Libra heard a knock on her door.*
LIBRA: Come in.
*The bedroom door opens and Virgo enters the room.*
LIBRA: What are you doing here?
VIRGO: I came to apologize to you.
LIBRA: What made you change your mind?
VIRGO: I shouldn't had said those things to you. Same with Cancer. I was in my feelings.
LIBRA: Have any plans tonight?
VIRGO: I was going to apologize to Cancer.
LIBRA: And after that, let's go bowling or something. I need to show off my outfit.
VIRGO: I need to get my nails done.
LIBRA: Let's do that! I'll pay!
VIRGO: Okay.

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