*Dark Hole Park*

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*The group walk over to the grassy field, follow by their parents as they exit their cars.* *Aries' mom and Cancer's mom are at Aries' mansion, spending time with their grandchildren as they force the husbands to take prom photos.* *Even Bearer and Water show up among the parents.*
VIRGO: Who's idea was it to take pictures here?
PISCES: We had a lot of fun at this park growing up.
SAGITTARIUS: Especially playing cops and robbers.
TAURUS: You cheated in cops and robbers. I haven't forgot.
ARIES: Cheating is fun...but not like the bad cheating, when you hurt the person you love.
CANCER: We knew what cheating you were talking about.
GEMINI: *Whispers to Sagittarius.* You brought the party favors?
SAGITTARIUS: *Whispers back.* Cocaine.
GEMINI: That's doable.
*The group finally made it to their final destination to begin their prom photoshoot.*
CAPRICORN: *Notices Bearer and Water.* I see that you're cool with your adopted parents again. I guess that dinner changed everything.
AQUARIUS: *Heavily breathes.* It's whatever.
TAURUS: I think it's cute that you're rebuilding your relationship with them.
AQUARIUS: Unfortunately.
*The parents are snapping away at their camera as the twelve friends show off their model pose.*
LEO: We're the best looking couple here.
SCORPIO: *Speaking through her smile.* Calm the fuck down.
LEO: You know it's the truth. You can't denied it.
LIBRA: Shut up baby and smile for the camera.
ARIES' DAD: Let's do a silly photo.
*The twelve signs do silly poses and facial expression as the parents snap away.*
PISCES: Are you guys almost done?
PISCES' MOM: Almost. Keep looking fresh. *Taking pictures.*
LEO: I know who's not done. *Smirks.*
PISCES: *Next to Leo.* Huh?
LEO: Yo boy Ophiuchus.
PISCES: *Looks at Leo with confusion all over his face.*
*Scorpio eyes widen.*
LEO: He wants to—
SCORPIO: Shut the fuck up!
VIRGO: What's going on?
SCORPIO: Nothing.
LEO: It ain't a bad thing Scorpio.
PISCES: *Looks at girlfriend.* What's he talking about?
SCORPIO: He's talking about nonsense.
PISCES: I don't believe you.
LEO'S MOM: Less talking, more posing.
AQUARIUS: I think we have enough.
PISCES: What's going on Scorpio?
SCORPIO: I'll tell you in the limo.
TAURUS' MOM: Last one! Let's see those beautiful smiles!
*Everyone shows off their smile at the camera flashes.*
*Gemini sees the black limo pull up.*
GEMINI: Perfect timing.
SAGITTARIUS: LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED! *Heads over the limo, follow by his friends.*
*Pisces is looking over at Scorpio, who is looking down at the ground.*

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