*Small Gymansium*

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*Taurus arrives at Gemini's locker.*
TAURUS: Hey Gemini. I need you to come to the gym with me real quick.
GEMINI: Wait. Why are you wearing your dance uniform?
TAURUS: You'll see. *Grabs Gemini by the arm.*
*Taurus and Gemini enter the smaller gymnasium, where they see the other dance members in their uniform.*
GEMINI: What's going on here?
TAURUS: Relax, have a seat and watch the show!
GEMINI: Okay... *Sits on the wooden bleacher.*
*Taurus takes formation as front and center.*
TAURUS: Five, six, seven, eight.
*Taurus and the dance team begin their performance and Gemini watches them.* *Gemini is amuse by their dance moves.* *Half of the girls move right while the other half move left, revealing a shirtless Sagittarius.*
*Gemini eyes lights up.*
*He smiles at Gemini with the word Prom, painted across his chest with a question mark next to it.*
SAGITTARIUS: Gemini, will you go to prom with me?
GEMINI: *Shrieks.* Hell yeah, why not?
*Gemini and Sagittarius embrace each other in their hug as Taurus and the other dancers smile at their classmates.*

ZODIAC HIGH PART 2Where stories live. Discover now