*Capricorn's House*

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*Capricorn and Virgo enters the house.*
CAPRICORN'S MOM: *Calling from the living room.* Capricorn. Is that you?
CAPRICORN'S MOM: Can you come in the living room real quick and bring Virgo?
*Capricorn grabs Virgo's hand and walk to the living room.* *Besides Capricorn's  parents being comfortable on the couches, they spot Virgo's parents sitting  on the lovers seat couch.*
VIRGO: *Staring at parents.* Mom, dad. What are you doing here?
VIRGO'S MOM: We were discussing your pregnancy.
CAPRICORN: *Mumbles.* Shit.
VIRGO: Can we discuss this at some other time?
CAPRICORN'S MOM: No. Have a seat you two.
*Capricorn and Virgo sits directly across from Virgo's parents.*
VIRGO'S DAD: I can't believe you got pregnant and ruin this whole family.
VIRGO: Dad, I'm sorry.
CAPRICORN'S MOM: And Capricorn, you didn't tell us about this.
CAPRICORN: I was-we was planning on telling you after my birthday dinner.
CAPRICORN'S DAD: Very irresponsible of you.
CAPRICORN: I want to have a fun birthday, then worry about my child.
VIRGO'S MOM: Are you going to marry Virgo? *Looks at Capricorn with fierce eyes.*
CAPRICORN: In the future.
VIRGO'S MOM: The future is now.
VIRGO: Can we talk about the baby?
CAPRICORN'S MOM: Are you keeping it or getting rid of it?
VIRGO: I'm keeping it.
CAPRICORN'S MOM: That's not the answer I want to hear.
CAPRICORN: Too late.
CAPRICORN'S DAD: How could you two fuck up your lives like this?
CAPRICORN: It's life, stuff happens.
CAPRICORN'S DAD: It's you making poor decisions.
VIRGO: We're going to make this work.
VIRGO'S MOM: You don't need a baby right now.
VIRGO'S DAD: I agree with your mother. Let's go to the clinic tomorrow and get rid of the problem.
VIRGO: My fetus isn't a problem.
CAPRICORN'S DAD: It's a problem to us. Y'all are going to regret not following our advice.
VIRGO: The baby is staying.
VIRGO'S MOM: Stupid girl.
VIRGO: Cancer is pregnant and she's happy.
VIRGO'S MOM: By that stupid idiot who's probably going to leave her for another women.
VIRGO: Capricorn isn't going to leave me.
CAPRICORN: We're in this together forever.
CAPRICORN'S MOM: Having a baby changes everything.
CAPRICORN: That's not going to happen to us.
CAPRICORN'S DAD: Get rid of the baby. Everyone is happy and you guys get to live your ambitious lives.
CAPRICORN: And we still can do that with a baby.
VIRGO'S MOM: Being stressed all the time, trying to be a parent while being a college student. Don't do it.
VIRGO: We're keeping it and that's final!
VIRGO'S DAD: Idiots!

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