*Libra's Locker*

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*Libra is chatting with Gemini.*
LIBRA: You got your dress picked out for prom?
GEMINI: I need to go shopping for this weekend.
LIBRA: I'm getting my custom made.
GEMINI: Taurus is doing the same thing. It must be nice to be rich.
LIBRA: I always had this plan. Same thing with my graduation dress, I'm getting it customs made.
GEMINI: Meanwhile, I'm getting my graduation dress from Zara.
*Leo, Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius. Pisces and Sagittarius are walking thought the hallway, wearing identical Michael Jackson inspired suit outfits.* *Pisces is holding the Beats pill Bluetooth radio in his hand.*
LEO: *Sees Libra from the distance as he stops in the middle of the hallway.* Hey Libra!
*Libra and Gemini look over at Leo, Pisces, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn and Sagittarius.* *The rest of the hallway begin to watch the show.* *Some even pull out their phones to record or go live.*
LEO: Play the music Pisces.
*Pisces connects the Bluetooth to this phone and hands it over to Cosmo, who's standing in front of his locker.*
PISCES: Watch this.
*You Rock My World by Michael Jackson begin playing.*
LIBRA: Oh my gosh!
GEMINI: He's playing your favorite Michael Jackson song.
*Leo, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Sagittarius begin dancing along the song, imitating some of the king of pop dance moves.*
*Libra and Gemini are enjoying the mini concert as they shake their body along to the beat.*
*Leo is singing his soul out to his girlfriend.*
LEO: *Singing.* You rocked my world you know you did. And everything I owe I give. The rarest love, who'd  think I'd find. Someone like you to call mine.*
*Leo and his back up dancers begin dancing closer to Libra and Gemini with each step.*
LEO: *Still singing.* You rocked my world, you know you did. And everything I won I give. Will you be my prom date? Will you be my prom date?
*Leo gets real close to Libra's face as he continues to sing over the song.*
LEO: Will you be my prom date?
LIBRA: Of course silly!
*Leo and Libra kiss as the crowd cheers.*
CAPRICORN: I can't believe he convince us to do this.
AQUARIUS: I low-key had fun doing this.
ARIES: Who's next?
CAPRICORN: I'm doing mines tomorrow.
PISCES: What's yours?
CAPRICORN; You'll see.

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