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* racial slurs


"You're staying here alright your job is not safe Iyana"I try to tell her, but of course Iyana hasn't changed she's still stubborn as usual.

"No I'm not Matteo I've never listened to you so no I'm not starting now"she gets up from the bed, like always I pull her back down.

she looks at me like I've just committed the biggest crime ever."sit back down Iyana I won't say it again."I warn her.

"No Matteo"she tries getting back up.

"Iyana please look I'll take you and Elena to the mall I did say I was going to make up for not being there didn't i" I kiss her hand.

She smiles softly at me.

god I missed that smile.

"fine but don't think a trip to the mall is going to get you out of the hell you've put me through especially when I had to give birth to her by myself without the father and what you said to me on the phone Matteo."

"I know I know I'll do everything I can to make up for it Iyana and what I said on the phone it wasn't me I mean it was but I was drunk I didn't mean it alright" I try to convince her,but she doesn't care.

"Drunk words sober thoughts."

i took her hand in mine."Iyana look at me please" she stares into my eyes.

"Iyana everything I've ever said to you was true I care about you so freaking much that I'd do anything for you I'd kill for you I have killed for you Iyana I would burn the whole damn world down but wouldn't let even a flame touch you so please let me make up for it"I beg her, getting on my knees.

"I'll let you make up for it Matteo...only because I also have to make up for betraying you"She places a gentle kiss on my hand.

i get up from the floor staring at the beauty in front of me until I hear crying from upstairs."I'm pretty sure Carlos has her trying to a back flip once again" she rolls her eyes.

"So Carlos is trying to get my daughter to do backflips now, huh"I put my hand across my face shaking my head.

i look at my daughter."your gorgeous mi amor"I place a small kiss on my daughters forehead, Iyana looks at the two of us in awe.

"You look exactly like your mother you know absolutely gorgeous"I look at Iyana then back up at my daughter.

"Carlos please don't tell me you've been trying it once again"Iyana glares at him, I try to keep in my laugh but I couldn't.

i burst out laughing.

Iyana looks at me also with the same glare she was just looking at Carlos with So I put my hands up in defense."sorry."

"Today is all about you two."I sigh heavily.

"So where's the happy couple going today?"Carlos asks the both of us,Iyana just looks at me clueless as to what she should say to him.

"A gorgeous restaurant"I quickly respond.

"treat her good and don't put her through anything else Matteo"I nod at his words, but he just grabs my arm.

"I'm serious bro she deserves to be happy"he whispers, I look at Iyana who's staring at our beautiful daughter in awe."get ready alright I'll get her ready too."

"Matteo this place looks really expensive even for you plus I have money too you know", I took her hand in mine looking at both her & my little girl appreciating the two of them dearly.

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