[26] The last duel

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Y/N ran through the corridors calling for the young girl, but no matter where she looked, she got no answer. She just hoped it wasn't too late. And there was no sign of Lesso either.

"Alright, where could they be?" In the meantime, Y/N had searched the entire Evers' castle and had been unable to find either Agatha or Lesso. Even the rest of the Evers, who were supposed to be in the ballroom celebrating the Everball, were no longer there. It was as if the school had completely died out all at once.

Y/N looked out of one of the many stained glass windows over to the castle of the School for Evil, and as she saw the steady flash of magic, it dawned on her what exactly seemed to be going on here.

As fast as her feet could carry her, she left the Good Castle behind and hurried across the bridge to the other school. The sky was dark, pitch black clouds had opened up and in the far distance the rumble of thunder could already be heard. But not only that. In the darkness, the shadows had their home, and so all of Rafal's creatures pervaded the sky.

Every now and then they would swoop down from their dark hiding places to attack Y/N and prevent her from approaching the castle. It was almost as if they couldn't allow her to join Agatha.

But this was not the first battle Y/N had ever fought, and so she knew how to defend herself. With her sword drawn and a lot of pent-up emotions reinforcing her magic, she faced off against the sinister figures of Rafal. At that moment it didn't matter how she would make it, but she had to make it to the Never Castle at any cost.

Just then another creature swooped down on her, with a loud roar and mouth wide open the shadow came at the young woman. Y/N just managed to dodge the monster's sharp claws. Only a small cut on her arm remained, a trail of blood ran down her skin and dripped onto the stone of the bridge.

The monster turned and lunged at Y/N again, but this time the young woman was faster and managed to slice the shadow with her sword. The monster gave a shrill scream before just vanishing into thin air, as if it had never existed.

The way was clear, for now at least. Y/N didn't hesitate for long and immediately started moving again. The castle of the Nevers only a few meters away from her. But behind her, a number of other monsters gathered and stared at her from their red eyes, eager to attack.

Before the creatures could reach her, Y/N had made it into the castle and closed the door behind her, against which the shadows now crashed.
The young woman allowed herself to take a moment to breathe before she braced herself from the door and went back to searching for Agatha.

Sounds of fighting could be heard from the halls, which Y/N immediately followed. If someone was in danger, she at least wanted to check on them and help if possible.

But when she saw what a terrible scene was unfolding before her, she stopped as if rooted to the spot, her eyes widening slightly.
The reception hall of the Never Castle had become a huge battlefield. Good and evil were engaged in a battle that had never been seen before. The young princes and princesses of the School for Good were all dressed in the finest robes of inky black silk, while the students of the School for Evil wore gowns and suits in the purest and most shimmering colors. It was as if the two schools had been switched.

And in the middle of the great hall, filled with battle cries and clashing of swords, stood Sophie. She seemed to enjoy the sight that was in front of her. Surrounded by chaos and the battle between good and evil, Y/N could see the satisfied expression on her face.
But what was that? As Sophie seemed to help with her magic, Y/N recognized something she had never seen before.

"Is that some kind of... Blood magic?"

An ancient magic art that had been banned and forgotten. Very few people knew that blood magic still existed. Could it be that Rafal had acquired blood magic and passed it on to Sophie? If that was the case, then everyone was in great danger. Blood magic was something not to be trifled with.

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