[7] A princess among wolves

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The night was beautiful, Y/N couldn't really remember the last time she had been so happy. Dancing with Lesso had been simply magical.
The wide and happy smile on her lips did not disappear from her face for the rest of the evening. The young woman felt light, almost weightless, and at the only thought of dancing with the redhead, her heart immediately beat a lot faster. At the latest now it was clear that this little crush on Lesso was not such a little one after all.

Once the festivities were over, Y/N strolled through the hallways in a good mood, quietly humming a little song to herself while holding her shoes in her hand. After all that walking, standing, and dancing, her feet hurt that she couldn't stand it in those heels anymore.

"Um, excuse me. Miss Y/N, may I interrupt you for a moment?" A soft, feminine voice had come up behind Y/N, making her pause. Turning around to look for the source of the voice, she spotted the figure of a young princess nervously playing with the hem of her dress and lowering her gaze towards the ground. Looking closely, Y/N saw that the girl seemed to have been crying, and she wondered what had happened to make her so upset.

"But of course, what can I do for you?" She hadn't exactly expected anyone to come to her, but much more to Dovey, but that didn't stop her now, to be there for her student.
She sighed softly and finally spoke up: "Something was stolen from me. Something that is incredibly important to me. It was a piece of jewelry. A family heirloom that I carry with me at all times. It was stolen from me at the ball and I know it was someone from the other school." The girl hid her face behind her hands and began to cry bitterly.

Y/N was pained to see her students this way, and so she took the young princess in her arms and stroked her long and blonde hair lightly and soothingly. "It's alright, calm down first. And then tell me again exactly what happened. Why do you think it was someone from the other school?"

Even though they were talking about the Nevers, it was still a serious accusation that needed to be investigated, and until Y/N knew exactly what had happened, she would not be able to do anything.

The young princess in her arms seemed to calm down slowly but surely and took one deep breath. "I had the necklace on me all evening and on my way to my room and all of a sudden someone took it off. The person ran away and I went after them as fast as I could and that's when I saw that person disappear into the School for Evil."

Y/N sighed softly, if that was the case then there was probably no doubt about the story. "Alright, just calm down will you? For now, go back to your room, I'll take care of this tomorrow and make sure you get the jewelry back." Even if that meant she had to enter the School for Evil. Hopefully Lesso would come around and make sure this whole thing was cleared up.

And with that Y/N was alone again a little later, the young lady had returned to her room, now it would only be up to Y/N whether she could help her or had to disappoint her.

The next day came faster than Y/N would have liked and during her free time she made her way to the School for Evil, stopping somewhat indecisively in front of the huge and gloomy gate. The building was large and intimidating and so very different from the other school. For someone like Y/N, it was hard to imagine anyone feeling comfortable here, but that was probably just a matter of taste.

"What are you doing here?" a loud growl snapped Y/N out of her thoughts and she looked in the direction of one of the guards who looked like wolves, huge and fearsome towering over her and staring down at her from bright yellow eyes, teeth slightly bared, which was probably meant to scare her off a bit. But Y/N was not intimidated that easily. So she cleared her throat once, trying to look as confident as possible. "There's something I need to discuss with Lady Lesso in person. Will you let me see her?" It would be easiest to bring this to Lesso's attention, rather than looking for a needle in a haystack.

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