[4] Hiding in the dark

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The days passed and slowly but surely Y/N had managed to bring order into her everyday life. The first classes were still a little chaotic and now and then a little disorganized, but in the meantime she had precise ideas and structured plans with which she could bring her students closer to dancing. Some of them had more difficulties than the others.

The days until the Everball were getting shorter and in the meantime Y/N was looking forward to the day. It would be an evening full of joy to delight in, but until then there were still a few things to do. She knew that just from the fact that Dovey was constantly nagging her about it. Sometimes Y/N wondered how her friend could stand all the pressure that was on her shoulders.

But even though Y/N had gotten used to teaching by now, there were still the odd sleepless nights she had to deal with. Whether it was because the gloomy castle on the other side had something to do with it and influenced her sleep with its negative aura, or it was simply due to her own thoughts, which now and then just wouldn't give her peace, Y/N didn't know yet.

In the meantime, however, she had found a way to lessen her insomnia. She usually took walks through the garden or picked up one of the books from the library and spent the hours flipping through them until she was tired enough to return to bed.

Such was the case today as well. Another night without sleep announced itself and the young woman crept through the corridors with a thick book in her arm. She had already been caught once by Dovey wandering around in the night, but that was only because of the fairies, who couldn't keep Y/N's little secret to themselves. It wasn't going to happen again, as she was determined to avoid Dovey worrying about her.

Y/N stopped abruptly when she noticed the small shimmering figure of a fairy wandering the corridors of the castle. Now that this was there, it would be impossible to get past it and into the garden unseen. Y/N would have to make do with the bridge again, where she had been from time to time, if there was no other way.
Of course, she could stay in her room and just read there, but who preferred a dark room while being exposed to the fresh night breeze and the beautiful night sky?

Fortunately, her encounter with Lesso the other day had been the first and only time, the nights after that she seemed to have her peace before the redhead, which Y/N then welcomed very much.
She wrapped the cloak she had pulled over herself tighter around her body and slid down the wall. The moon shone brightly above her and gave enough light, so that another candle was not necessary as a light source.

Y/N opened the book she had found a few days ago while browsing in the library. It was a rather old book that had probably been in the library for several years. When Y/N found it, it was quite dusty, as if this book had not been touched for years. She was all the more interested in the contents of the book.
She loved to spend her free time reading, because at least for a short time she could escape from her duties and surrender to another world.

What Y/N did not notice, however, was the presence of another person hiding under the cover of darkness. Lesso had actually come out here to take a quiet walk and let her work rest, at least for a short time. But when she saw that someone else was already sitting there, she had stopped and hidden in the shadows.

At first she wanted to follow her inner impulse and disappear again, but her body did not do what she wanted. The dean stood rooted to the spot, unable to take her eyes off the figure sitting not too far away from her, dreamily flipping through an old book.

The way the light of the moon fell on her, the way it made her hair and skin shine.... Y/N stood bathed in starlight, and it was the first time Lesso didn't grimace at a peaceful sight like that, but took the time to store that moment in her memory forever, never to forget it again.

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