[2] „Can't sleep?"

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Lady Lesso... Y/N could not get this woman out of her head. She was intimidating, that much was certain, and yet her gaze kept wandering over to that one.
Lesso didn't seem to be very impressed by the show in front of them. She merely rolled her eyes and seemed to focus on everything else but the young princes who were putting on their show. One could almost think that she would rather jump out of the next tower window down into the depths than to pay attention to the whole spectacle any longer.

Was there anything she would like at all? Y/N dared to doubt it, after all, what else could one expect from a Never? These people had always been special, many of them were slow-witted and just... thoroughly evil. Something Y/N had sworn to fight forever. She would always stand against evil, no matter what.

The young woman folded her hands in her lap. This Lady Lesso just wouldn't let her rest, as often as she looked over to her. Once this was over, she would probably talk to Dovey to find out more about the other dean. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

And so Y/N slowly rose again, when all formalities were finished and the schools could go their separate ways again. Most of the students didn't necessarily notice, but a deep hatred had settled between the schools and both sides couldn't wait to leave as soon as possible and go their separate ways.

"Come on girls, don't dawdle." Y/N had just collected a few stragglers and was escorting them back to the exit when none other than Lady Lesso ran past them. Icy gray-blue eyes met Y/N's that she almost had to gulp a little. This woman had an incredibly impressive aura, how could anyone stand to linger in her presence? Y/N couldn't even stand it for a few seconds.

"Watch where you're going, dear." Her voice... So rough and deep, and yet it had a charm all its own. But what exactly did she mean? Watch your step? Y/N turned back to the front in confusion and managed to stop just in time. Just one step further and she would have run into the large ebony door. With slightly widened eyes, she stared at the obstacle that had built up right in front of her, as if it had not been her own fault that she had almost bumped into it. No, rather she put the blame on this Lesso. After all, she had made sure that Y/N had been distracted. And then she made that comment, too. Yes... It was all Lesso's fault. If she hadn't distracted her, then all of this would never have happened.

A soft laugh tore Y/N out of her thoughts. It was a dark, rather an evil laugh. The young woman wheeled around, only to see the redhead standing there, leaning on her cane and giggling to herself. "Too bad, and I thought I'd see you running into the door now. I guess that leaves anticipation for next time. Well then princess, see you around." With a certain kind of drama, Lesso finally turned around and was gone and Y/N had no choice but to look after her with a somber expression.


"Ah there you are, Y/N. I was wondering where you'd gotten to." Dovey approached the young woman from one of the side corridors. Y/N, who until then had still been lost in her thoughts, had stopped, a small smile appearing on her lips. "I was still waiting for a princess or two there. But it's a good thing I ran into you here Dovey, because I wanted to ask you a few questions. About a particular person."

The Dean of the School for Good seemed all of a sudden quite excited and hooked her arm under Y/N's. "Nothing better than that. Who do you want to know more about?" Because if Y/N knew anything it was that her old friend was quite fond of all gossip, so she would be the best person to ask her about Lesso. Especially since she was the only one who really knew her well at this school anyway, and she would have turned to her first either way.

"This may sound strange, but can you tell me more about this Lady Lesso?" Dovey narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the mention of that name, and her gaze drifted over to Y/N. "Why exactly do you wish to know more about her? Has she done something wrong again?" From the tone of her voice, Y/N concluded that Dovey was apparently not at all well disposed towards Lady Lesso, and also that she probably indulged in a joke or two now and then, much to the dismay of others.

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