[1] Arrival

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A gentle breeze wandered over the land, fresh leaves swirled up and performed a melodic dance with the wind. The sun shone brightly over the imposing building, which offered space for all students who wanted to become glorious heroes or feared villains.
The School for Evil looked dreary and gloomy, dark clouds surrounded the castle, which reminded one much more of a haunted castle and one could hardly imagine that anyone would live in it at all.
Just a few steps away, however, across the bridge that connected the two schools, was the School for Good. The palace shimmered in the brightest colors, gave off a comforting and welcome warmth, and seemed quite inviting to young princes and princesses.

Black and white, good and evil. For decades, these two radical opposites had been doomed to compete against each other in a constant battle for the upper hand. And as opposed as these two sides were, so were the teachers present there, one more single-minded and devoted than the other.

High up in the blue sky hovered a massive pile of giant birds, birds that looked more like fragile skeletons than large, imposing and proud eagles. It was almost hard to believe that it was these very animals that were dropping off the new arrivals at the two schools.
But this year it was not only students who were brought, the School for Good was expecting a new teacher to train the young lords and ladies to become outstanding princes, princesses and heroes.

The huge bird headed straight for the shining school, Y/N just let herself be carried by the graceful animal with great amazement. The wind played a little with her hair and hit her face icy cold, so that light tears were already forming.

Although most young ladies were afraid of these enormous birds, Y/N was quite different. Gently, the animal had set her down on the grass and with a slight yard curtsy, she had thanked it for the safe journey here.

The bird stretched its massive wings and rose back into the air, with one last dreamy smile Y/N watched it fly up to the others before she started moving to enter the school.

So that was it. The renowned school for the good. Old memories came back to her as she walked through the bright corridors of the castle. Once upon a time, Y/N herself had been at this school and trained to be the princess she was today. She would almost call it fate that now she, of all people, was the one who would lead the way for more girls and boys at this very school.

Things had changed since she was last here, but that didn't mean it was any less beautiful. Y/N wondered what she would encounter during her first year as a teacher at this school. What acquaintances she would make and, of course, how her students would do.

She approached the entrance area, that much was certain, because even from a distance one could hear the many excited voices of the new students. The young woman stepped through the huge double doors, the conversations of the others quieted down and all eyes turned to her. With the friendliest and warmest smile, she strode through the crowd, those who had been standing in the way immediately making way.

By all appearances, Y/N's reputation was far ahead of her. She was known as a kind-hearted princess who had dedicated her life to the fight against evil. Countless times she had emerged victorious and had devastated her opponents, but something else was making the rounds. She had rejected all the suitors who came to her to confess their love and to be with her, the reason for which always remained unknown. Not even the most graceful and romantic prince in this world had managed to conquer her heart for himself and so she was henceforth known as the first princess who did not want a prince.

"What is she doing here? Do you think she's the new teacher we heard about?"

"No way, seriously?! That's so cool!"

"Yeah, but what is she supposed to teach us anyway? How to reject the right prince?"

Just another little conversation between young girls that reached her ears. The rumors themselves had never bothered Y/N. After all, they hadn't dared to make fun of her seriously yet. And besides... There were also far worse things than the questionable looks of others. The whole thing would only become a scandal if the truth came to light. The truth about why she had rejected every prince who came to her. After all, she could not present to the world that it was another princess she would much rather have at her side.

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