[27] Perfect Never Ever After?

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Red lightning flashed, the schoolmaster's office had turned into a single battle and debris field. The dark and evil magic of Rafal met the wild and uncontrollable magic of Lesso, who, driven and blinded by her rage, launched more and more attacks, reducing everything to ashes.

Y/N could only watch this wondrous spectacle of colors of the darkest and bloodiest red with astonishment, while her body, weakened by the battle, could no longer move. Everything in her resisted letting Lesso fight this battle alone, but no matter how hard she tried, her body would not move an inch from the spot. And so she had no choice but to witness the battle between Rafal and Lesso.

As their magic clashed one more time, it set off something like a shockwave. A shockwave that could probably be equated with a supernova. Just as beautiful, yet just as dangerous.
Y/N's heart was consumed with pain, for she could not bear to be absolutely powerless and merely watch the battle for the fate of all being fought.

Lesso had to win. She just had to. Y/N didn't care what would happen to her. She had already finished with her fate. But Lesso... she was still full of energy and strength. Rafal was not allowed to take her away from her. Everything, but not her.

The redhead was hit by another blow and staggered back. She propped herself against the large desk to gain some footing and not fall to the floor.

Drop, drop, drop

When Y/N looked in her girlfriend's direction, her eyes widened. Dark red blood ran down her chin and cheek and seeped onto the wooden floor. One drop became two, until finally an incredible number of small drops fell to the floor, staining it with its red color.

Lesso was breathing heavily, her chest was rising and falling at irregular intervals, and even though Y/N couldn't see the others' face, she knew that Lesso was at the end of her strength. She just managed to keep herself upright and not go crashing to the ground. Y/N didn't want to think about the pain she must be in.

She knew she had to do something. Otherwise Rafal would kill her. Y/N closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Her body, tense with adrenaline, was able to calm down a little. It would not be possible for her to heal Lesso quickly, her healing magic was not strong enough for that and there was no time for it, but there was something else she could do.

The young woman reached out her hand and thought back to all the memories she had shared with Lesso. Their dance together under the starlight, the secret date on the riverbank followed by their first flight on the back of a giant bird, the days they had spent together on her estate.... All that now united into one strong feeling. A feeling that was stronger than any magic in this world. With the love Y/N felt for Lesso, Y/N was able to transfer some of her magic with Lesso.

It was as if a warm summer breeze welcomed the redhead and enveloped her in its warmth. The light of Y/N's bright magic played around her like a few swirled petals dancing around her. And for a moment, it was like being embraced most tenderly. The soft voice of Y/N reached Lesso's ear and breathed her name.

"Let me be the light that guides you through the endless darkness."

The soft whisper faded as quickly as it had come. All of a sudden, she felt much stronger than she had a few minutes ago. Her eyes landed on the sword lying on the floor. Lesso had seen this sword a time or two before, and she knew it belonged to the School for Good.

The finely forged silver blade gleamed in the bland light. Its glow seemed to call to her and all at once she knew what to do. Just as Y/N's voice had whispered to her, Lesso let her guide her and picked up the sword from the ground. It was brimming with magic and Lesso could feel how much strength lay dormant in this sword. Bright magic that Y/N had manifested in this sword.

𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏// Lady Lesso x Fem! Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें