[13] A trial for the truth

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The Trial by Tale event spread around the two schools faster than wildfire, and by the next day everyone knew about it. Dumbfounded looks and low whispers were what reached Y/N when she appeared for breakfast. She had already thought that the story with Lesso and her would cause quite a negative stir. Probably everyone in this entire room was judging her right now, because how had it ever come to this, that an Ever fell in love with an evil and cold-hearted Never.

"Come on, now, don't make that face. You look like you've just been put through hell." Dovey tried to cheer her friend up a bit more, but Y/N gave her that look that signaled she should probably be left alone now. "I wonder how you would feel if the whole school was all over you and you were constantly followed by those looks." And it was at that moment that Y/N cursed herself for not being more careful, because then they both would have been spared this terrible trouble.

"Now don't take it so hard. The students are just confused because this is something between you and Lesso that has never happened like this before. At least not for a couple hundred years. Once you get through the night and there's proof of your true love, then they'll start to understand and accept it."

But it was still a long time before that happened, and Y/N still had one more day to go.
During class, she tried to play over the whole thing and started her dance lesson the way she always did. Only today, her students were putting a huge crimp in her plans. A young girl raised her hand, a sign that she had a question. And while Y/N thought this question would be about class, the actual question then hit her like a blow.

"What made you decide to put up with the evil Lady Lesso instead of choosing a beautiful magical prince?"
Y/N didn't know what to reply for a moment. "To be honest, I don't see what my personal feelings add to the relevance of this class."

But the whispers that went through the rows just didn't get any quieter. "But Miss Y/N, aren't you afraid that she will trick you or something? She could just be using you, she's the villain after all."
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment and tried to keep calm, which wasn't exactly that easy given her current situation. The tension weighing on her shoulders in the face of the upcoming Trial by Tales was just way too much. "Quiet now, I don't want to hear another word from you about this Lady Lesso business!" She meant it, if any of them said another single word about the whole thing, she would clearly lose her temper.

The sun was beginning to set, it wouldn't be long now and then it would be time. Time to enter the blue forest and wander through the wilderness until she found Lesso.

Both schools found themselves together, Dovey stood at the front of the small gallery and looked at her friend and Lesso standing in front of her. It was a strange feeling to stand in that place, there where all eyes were on her with the knowledge that every single one of them was judging them for what they were. Lovers.

"You will each enter the blue forest from the other side and face any dangers that will come your way. You must find each other by dawn, true love's kiss shall bring you safely back here. Each of you will receive a red cloth that will bring you back if it becomes too dangerous. Do you still wish to proceed and face the challenge?"
Y/N looked Dovey firmly in the eye and nodded once. "Yes, I am ready." Her gaze wandered over to Lesso, who nodded as well. "Let's get this over with."

Silently, Y/N entered the courtyard, her gaze fixed on the ground and so many things going through her mind at that moment. Would they really make it? Was the love she felt for Lesso enough to get through this Trial by Tale? And what would happen if they didn't make it? She didn't even want to think about what that would mean for them.

Dovey was at her side, escorting Y/N to the gate, holding a flare in her hands to light the way for them both. "Hey, now don't worry about it. You have to keep a cool mind and follow your heart and it will lead you to your destination. You have a pure heart, Y/N. Use it and find Lesso."
The young woman looked up and instantly had to smile a little. "Thank you, Clarissa."

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