[21] The Readers of Gavaldon

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High up in the blue sky, the sun shone and filled the land with its warmth. Time had passed, days, months, even two whole years had gone by. Two whole years in which they had all been able to live in peace. Some things had changed. Y/N, after a long and bumpy road, was finally a valued Never that her students could look up to. Evil finally stood a chance against good again, even if they still faced defeat. Yes, a lot had happened in the past two years, Y/N had grown older, wiser, and yet so much happier than she had been before. Back then, when she still carried the title of a princess.

But even though some things had changed at the school for good and evil, Y/N still felt the same love for Lesso as she had two years ago. There, where they had first met.

"Hey you sleepyhead, wake up." Lesso's raspy voice filtered through to Y/N, snapping her out of her reverie. The young woman slowly stirred in the redhead's arms and merely mumbled something unintelligible to herself. Lesso, who had been awake for a while, couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. If today wasn't such a momentous day, she wouldn't have even tried to wake Y/N, because even though she would never openly admit it, she loved the sight of Y/N's sleeping form in her arms. Regardless of whether Y/N was ultimately good or evil, to Lesso she was still the pure soul she had lost her heart to.

"Ugh, I hate the day when the new students come. I can't even enjoy my time with you in peace then!" sighed Y/N softly, resting her head on Lesso's chest as her gaze wandered dreamily outside. It wouldn't be long before that cloudless sky would be covered with countless birds that would drop off the new generation of villains at the school.

Lesso buried her head in Y/N's soft hair and breathed in the lovely scent that emanated from her. She wanted to savor every second they still had together before they had to get to work.
But that the peace and quiet they had kept for two years would be shaken with the arrival of two special girls was something neither of them thought about yet.

It was only with a heavy heart that Y/N broke away from Lesso and let her go. It would not be long until the arrival of the newcomers, and as the dean of the School of Evil, Lesso had a leading role to play and had to be present.
Y/N herself could take a little more time. Until the official opening, where they would also meet the Evers, it still took a bit.

From outside, one could already sense the first cries of the approaching birds, whose gnarled old bones creaked as they flew by. Y/N rose from the large double bed she shared with Lesso and slipped into her silky robe to step closer to the window.

The fresh morning air hit her as soon as she opened the window and Y/N allowed herself to pause at it for a moment to look at the fabulous splendor of the birds.

High above her head they circled, the majestic animals that carried the future of this world in their claws. It was amazing every time anew to look at this phenomenon. Rather less amazing, however, were the screams of those who were thrown from such a height into the dirty river water. The newcomers who clambered awkwardly onto the riverbank.

Y/N looked down to get a rough overview. Only when a high-pitched and rather panicked voice reached her ear did she look up. "No, take me back! I should go to the other school!" One of the birds brought another straggler with it, she was kicking like crazy, but she had no chance against the power of the big beast until it let go of the hysterical girl and sent her falling into the depths.

This strange girl did not leave Y/N's thoughts even after that. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened before the stranger disappeared into the depths of the river. Who was this girl and why did she claim that she had to go to the other school?
She really needed to talk to Lesso about this, maybe she knew what it meant.

Y/N walked through the long hallways, her hurried footsteps echoing in the corridors until she reached her destination and found herself in the reception hall. She kept a little in the background so as not to interrupt Lesso's speech, for she herself knew only too well how much the other hated it.

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