[8] Pure evil

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Y/N was sitting at dinner, looking out one of the big windows. Her thoughts were everywhere else but at dinner. So much had happened in the last few days, so many wonderful things, she couldn't really believe it yet.
Lesso really knew how to mess with Y/N's head and she took great advantage of the knowledge that Y/N liked her.

The doors opened and Lesso entered the room, Y/N's gaze immediately wandered over to her and she really couldn't help but smile slightly. The cold blue of Lesso's eyes rested on Y/N for a moment, shining up slightly. The corners of her mouth twitched upward for a brief moment, but she couldn't bring herself to smile in front of everyone. She still had a reputation to lose, after all. But Y/N didn't let that bother her. As long as she had the opportunity to look at Lesso, anything was fine with her. This was a woman one could simply adore.

But the admiration didn't last too long, as Dovey joined them a short time later and wished her a good morning. Y/N tore her gaze away from Lesso and her daydreams and turned her attention back to her good friend. "Good morning to you too, Clarissa. Well you look tense, did something happen?" Of course, she had noticed Dovey's furrowed brow and worried expression and wondered what it all meant. It wasn't often that the dean of the School for Good was seen so troubled.

Dovey, however, merely shook her head. "No, no, it's nothing," she simply dismissed. Not very convincing, as Y/N thought, and at the latest now she was sure that something was not right at all. But she didn't ask further, she wouldn't get anything out of Dovey anyway, but her behavior was quite suspicious.

But it became even more suspicious when Dovey got up after dinner and went to Lesso's table. Questioningly, Y/N raised an eyebrow and watched the two for a moment, too bad she couldn't understand what they were talking about. But it seemed to be a serious topic, as both Lesso and Dovey seemed extremely worried. "Not now, Clarissa. Not here, where everyone might hear us." It was the only thing Y/N overheard of the conversation, but that was enough for her to know that something was very wrong. I wonder if Dovey suspected something and confronted Lesso. But actually she and the redhead had always been careful and could not have been caught by Dovey. Or?

Y/N would probably not know, because both her good friend and Lesso had disappeared quickly after dinner, where no one knew, but as hastily as the two had disappeared, it really seemed to be something serious.

Y/N couldn't get the whole thing out of her head and she headed for her room, her mind completely elsewhere. Where had Lesso and Dovey disappeared to? But that question was soon answered when she heard voices that got louder and louder the closer she got. Y/N stopped and spotted the dim light coming from one of the rooms, the door was open a crack so she could see inside.

The young woman stepped closer to the crack in the door, trying to see through something.
"Now don't look at me like that Clarissa, come on spill the beans, I really have better things to do than to have to pull every answer out of your nose." Lesso stepped into Y/N's field of vision, she had her back turned to her, a certain kind of annoyance was in her voice.

"He's back, I saw it Lesso. I'm sure of it." Dovey sounded full of concern and Y/N could see her friend pacing impatiently. Lesso, on the other hand, merely ran a hand through her red hair before answering, "And you're sure about that? How can you be so sure?"
Dovey stepped closer to her and put both her hands on Lesso's arms with a fervent urgency. "Because I saw it in my dream! I saw it, and I saw the suffering it will bring upon us all. I know how much you want evil to win for once, but this is more than serious. We have to do something about it."

Who exactly were they talking about? Y/N couldn't make sense of what they were saying, and in the end, she had even more questions than she already had.
A silence had settled into the room and Y/N could only guess that Lesso was thinking through the others' words. "And what exactly are you going to do? There's nothing we can do until we know where he is right now." Lesso took a step backward to free herself from Dovey's grip.

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