[20] The School for Evil

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"How could you do this?!"

Dovey was beside herself with rage and paced nervously, all eyes of those present were on her. Since the incident with Rafal, the great gulf that had opened up between good and evil had widened even more. None of them trusted the other and to counteract this, a large meeting had been called. But they also talked about what had happened on that fateful day, like the cruel death of Damian.

"Do you have even the slightest idea of what you have done with this?" Dovey came to a stop, looking seriously at Y/N, who was sitting in her seat, playing with a small piece of jewelry around her neck. "I killed him, I'm well aware of it." She said it like it was no big deal.

"We know what you did, but do you know what it means to us? You murdered him in the most brutal way possible. Y/N you broke the laws for good by doing that. You attacked instead of defend. Your actions have shaken everything that good stands for. Now say something for once and don't just sit there like you don't care about any of this."

Since the conversation had begun, Y/N had lost all sense of time. Only now did she slowly lift her gaze to look at her good friend. She saw the hopelessness in Dovey's eyes, she saw that Dovey seemed to be searching for the slightest sign of remorse.

"He had it coming. He was working for Rafal and he stabbed me in the back with a dagger. I think I had every right to retaliate for that. Or do you expect me to just take it that he almost stabbed me?"
The atmosphere in the room was tense; none of the others present seemed to want to interfere with the discussion between Y/N and Dovey.

And while all the Evers gathered at the long table looked both shocked but also distressed, Lesso merely sat in her seat and watched the proceedings from afar, unable to hide the slight smile on her lips.

"Don't you feel at least a little regret for what you've done?" By now Dovey had put her hands on Y/N's shoulders and was looking at her imploringly, as if hoping to find even the slightest spark of remorse in her friend's eyes. Something that was wasted effort, because all Y/N did was smirk.

"No. I don't regret it for a second, and I would do it all over again."

Dovey's eyes widened, she couldn't really believe what she was hearing. This was an outrage, with her actions Y/N had upset the balance. An Ever who did such a terrible thing? How could she call herself an Ever any longer?
Lesso, on the other hand, tried not to let on how pride filled her. It was about time someone gave the good guys a piece of their mind.

That's my girl.

An awed silence spread through the room and Dovey had to sit down to process it all. "So what exactly are we going to do with her now? Everyone knows what happened. If we try to sweep the whole act under the table and pretend that nothing ever happened, it will cause even more unrest. We can't just let her get away with it. It's one thing for her to be in a relationship with a Never. Now she's also murdered a human being in the most brutal way, it's a disaster." Anemone was the first to speak up again, looking over at Y/N with that look the young woman couldn't quite define.

Dovey seemed at a loss and she was torn. Y/N was one of her closest and longest friends, but she knew what the consequences would be if they simply did nothing. Because Anemone was right. It would cause more unrest. Unrest that they all didn't need right now.
Y/N was aware of how difficult this decision would be for Dovey, so she decided for herself what would be best in this situation.

"Stop worrying your head, Clarissa. I've already made my own decision. If my presence at this school is such a big problem just because I don't follow the rules for once, then I don't see a place for me here anymore. I have already talked to Lesso, I will leave the School for Good and follow her to the School for Evil. That way, you won't have to worry about your image being disrupted by my presence, and it will also give me a little more peace." Not to mention that this solution also allowed her to spend more time with Lesso.

𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏// Lady Lesso x Fem! Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя