[10] A (Un)normal Date

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Since Lesso's visit to Y/N in the middle of the night, she was in a better mood again. She was very busy preparing everything for the upcoming date, because who could claim to have persuaded Lady Lesso to a date? Besides, Y/N wanted to make sure that Lesso might not change her mind and just decide not to show up.

All preparations were made and on the day of the arranged time, Y/N could hardly wait to get ready for the date. Filled with euphoria and good mood, she practically floated across the floor like that and infected a few of the others as well, the relief that Y/N was in a better mood again was great among everyone.

"You're in a great mood today, Miss Y/N. It's nice to see you so cheerful again" one of the princesses had said and the others could only nod in agreement. "Thank you dear ones, I am glad that after these gloomy days, better days are finally coming. So now off you go, you've done well today and really deserve your break." Y/N shooed her students out of the dance room with an affectionate casualness, after all she had something important to do.

She hurriedly went to her room, she had already laid out the suitable clothes for the date last night, in order not to let too much time pass with the choice of clothes. It was a rather plain dress, it was kept simple, less flashy and much more comfortable for being outdoors, since that was exactly what they would be doing on this date. Y/N just hoped Lesso got her message and didn't show up in the biggest heels, because then she would definitely get to hear from the redhead.

Y/N left the castle behind and made her way to the meeting place she had arranged with Lesso. Far away from the two schools, where they could be seen by someone at any time. The way there was tedious, but it was worth it, because better they were careful than lenient and someone would still see them in the end.

Under the cover of the trees and on the bank of the river, Y/N finally came to a stop and looked around carefully. To all appearances she was there before Lesso, but that gave her the opportunity to spread everything out beforehand. The young woman let her finger light up once and in front of her appeared a picnic blanket and a basket filled with all kinds of goodies, so there would definitely be enough to eat. One or two pillows also appeared and landed on the blanket to make the whole thing a little cozier.

Everything was perfect, the place and the wonderful view, the sound of the river, the bright sun high up in the blue sky and of course not to forget the heavenly smelling food. The only one missing now was Lesso, but when Y/N heard footsteps coming from the forest, she already guessed that she had also finally appeared.

"So that's what you were planning. A picnic." Lesso stepped out of the shadows, her hands clasped behind her back as she looked suspiciously at the blanket for a moment. She wasn't used to being made to go on a date, but she appreciated all the effort Y/N had put in, which was why she pulled herself together a bit today and tried to enjoy the whole thing.

"There you are." Y/N started to smile and all at once Lesso's skepticism was gone. She only had to look at the happy face of her counterpart to know that it had already been worth getting involved. "Come sit down and make yourself comfortable. If you want to try the food, let me know what you think."

Y/N had already settled down on the blanket and was now patting promptly to herself. Lesso complied without further words and sat down. Her gaze wandered once over the surroundings. "I must say, you didn't choose this place too badly. We'll definitely have our peace and quiet here."
Y/N merely smirked and handed Lesso a cup of warm tea that she had prepared earlier. "That was exactly the plan, silly."

The young woman heaved a sigh of contentment. She was already enjoying this time very much. It was just her and Lesso out here, and no one else to ruin this date for them here. Y/N really couldn't think of anyone else she would rather be here with. She didn't even know what exactly it was about Lesso that fascinated her so much, but this woman was more important to her than anyone else and she desperately wanted this to work out between the two of them.

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