[3] Intruders

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Morning came early, and although Y/N had gotten little sleep that night, she awoke in familiar freshness and rose from bed to dress for breakfast.
As is so often the case, the meal took place in the common dining room, which was divided between Nevers and Evers.

While the food on the Never's side looked very meager and rather less appetizing, the Ever's side lacked nothing. Each of them was to receive the kind of breakfast that was worthy of them.
Y/N stepped into the hall and greeted those who wished her a good morning with a gentle smile, returning the polite gesture of her students. With her hands clasped behind her back, she made her way to the seat designated for her, right next to her good friend Dovey, who was already present.

"Good morning dear, I hope your first night with us went well for you. Are you excited already, today is your first lesson after all." How could you not be in a good mood after being greeted in such a manner? Y/N could only chuckle softly before answering the Dean's question with a nod. "The night was very pleasant, thank you for asking." A lie, but Dovey didn't really need to know that. After her reaction yesterday, Y/N decided it would probably be better not to tell her about the run-in with Lesso.

Just when you were talking about the devil, the door opened again and a cool breeze moved through the huge hall as the red-haired woman entered it. Her cane left loud noises on the stone floor to give a little more weight to her appearance and the whole hall had become silent. No one dared to even breathe too loudly for fear that something might happen.
Lady Lesso was after all an embodiment of evil, her facial expression alone said all there was to know. She hated being here. She hated dining in the presence of the Evers and she hated being obligated to watch the happy, laughing, Evers.

Y/N quickly averted her eyes from Lesso again, she had given her a pretty rough start here, but from now on she swore she wouldn't let her ruin her mood so quickly. After all, that was not proper for someone of her standing. So instead, she turned her attention back to the conversation with Dovey. "To return to your question from earlier.... I must confess that I am really very nervous."

Dovey put her hand on Y/N's and squeezed it once very lightly, a friendly gesture that Y/N seemed to understand very well. It was meant to give her security and strength. "Don't worry about it. I really can't think of anyone better for this task. Besides... you've mastered far worse things than giving a dance lesson to a bunch of young men and women." The other winked once, which made Y/N laugh softly. In that sense, yes, Dovey was right. Dance lessons were certainly half as bad as going up against the forces of evil. "Thank you Clarissa." She had really needed that more than anything, and with a new surge of hope, Y/N turned to her breakfast.

Just a few feet away, at the dark wooden table that looked like it had been through a year or two, Lesso sat stirring disinterestedly in the porridge she had been served. Her eyes wandered over to the table where the teachers from the other school were gathered. She watched the happy laughter and all the good humor that morning for a moment before merely rolling her eyes and massaging her temples with one hand. Would there ever be a morning when those penetrating voices wouldn't give her a headache? Lesso dared to doubt it.

But something else caught the dean's attention. A conversation between students from her own ranks, who seemed to be plotting something, kept looking over at the Ever's tables.
A devilish smile appeared on Lesso's face, to see her smile and especially in the morning was a true rarity indeed.
"Oh, well that sounds like the day is going to be fun after all."


"Good morning dear class and welcome to your first lesson in dance class." All the students had gathered in the ballroom of the castle, after all that was where most of the lessons would take place.
Y/N had appeared shortly before and got a rough overview of the students present to get a first impression of the whole.

𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏// Lady Lesso x Fem! Reader Where stories live. Discover now