[15] Cottagecore vacation

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The tension was big. Ever since Rafal had tried to kill Y/N, everyone was constantly on guard, wary of another potential attack of pure evil. But this attack did not come. Neither a few days later, nor weeks after the incident. And the others slowly but surely began to relax a bit.

And with that, the first half of the new school year was coming to an end. The vacations were upon them, and all the students, from both the School for Good and the School for Evil had packed their bags to return to their families. All, except for one person.

Lesso would be left alone in the dark castle throughout the vacations to look after things. The time there was always a bit lonely, but by now the redhead had gotten used to the emptiness and silence in the halls of her school. Only with the exception that someone else had other ideas for her this year.

As soon as all the students had disappeared, one of her loyal guards came to her. The wolf pointed in the direction of the large entrance door. "Lady Lesso, Miss Y/N is outside and has asked for you" he let his mistress know. Lesso raised an eyebrow a little questioningly, but complied with the request and found herself out in the cool morning air shortly after.
"Y/N, you're still here. Dovey told me you were planning to return to your estate, I thought you had left long ago."

Y/N put her hands on her hips and replied a bit skeptically, "And that's without saying goodbye to my girlfriend? You didn't really think I would have just left without saying anything. And besides... There's something else I wanted to ask you."
Questioningly, Lesso raised an eyebrow and waited for Y/N to continue with whatever it was she wanted to ask her.

"I don't like the idea of you sitting around here alone in this gloomy castle all the time. Join me and come with me. Then you'll finally see something other than these dark corridors of your castle." But Lesso seemed quite skeptical at first and rather averse to this offer. "You want me to come with you...to your castle? You do know that princess stuff isn't something for me, right?"

Y/N knew it wouldn't be easy to persuade Lesso, but she wasn't going to admit defeat that easily. "You don't even know what my place is like yet. You might even like it there. Come on, what's wrong with spending a few days at the estate? Besides, we'd finally have some time to ourselves. Away from school and all the rules. Wouldn't that be nice?" By now, Y/N had put on an almost pleading look. Leaving Lesso here alone was absolutely out of the question.

"As tempting as that may sound, my princess. I will not come with you to your castle."


Not even half an hour had passed and Y/N was on her way to her estate, a satisfied smile had settled on her face as her eyes fell on Lesso who was by her side. "And you still said you wouldn't come with me. I guess I can be quite convincing after all" Y/N teased the redhead a bit. The addressed one gave her a quick glance from the side and merely sighed softly. "You wouldn't have given up until I came along, would you? I had no other chance."
"Or maybe it's because you just can't resist me."

The journey to Y/N's estate took time, and the two had to take a break or two, but the view they had when they reached their destination was all the more breathtaking for it. In the valley that stretched out before them was a huge property. At first glance, it did not look like the castle of a princess, but much more like a huge mansion, but the vast garden with the large apple orchard suggested that appearances were deceiving.

"Well, what do you say? It's not even as awful as you thought, is it?" asked Y/N with a smile, looking over at Lesso, who had been eyeing the property for a while now. "Mhm" she merely made and continued her way to the property. "Not as bad as I thought it would be. At least it's not one of those huge castles full of glitter, kitsch and other stuff."

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