[12] Suspicions

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Night passed and gave way to day, which announced itself with the rising of the sun, bathing the land in a warm orange.
Tired, Y/N opened her eyes as the light tickled her face. Her gaze fell on the still sleeping figure of Lesso beside her and immediately a smile spread across her lips as she thought of what had happened yesterday.

The light made Lesso's red hair shine a little more brilliantly than it already was and the sun made her pale skin glow a little. It was a sight Y/N didn't want to forget anytime soon. She still couldn't quite believe that Lesso, the dean of the school for evil had chosen her. Everything seemed so surreal, yet somehow possible in the most beautiful way.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like that, or are you going to say something too?" Startled, Y/N winced. So Lesso was awake! Her voice was much deeper in the morning, sounding incredibly hot, as Y/N would have to admit. A slight smile flitted across her face and she leaned down to steal a kiss from Lesso's lips. "Good morning to you, too."

Lesso merely hummed softly and she stretched once. "You're in way too good of a mood for it to be early morning." It was a comment that made Y/N laugh once. "Or maybe it's just because you're a big grouch."
The redhead snorted in offense and rolled over onto her other side, a desperate attempt to sink into sleep once more, an attempt that Y/N destroyed for her shortly after.

"Lesso, we're out of time. You have to get to your school, where you're expected. It's almost time for breakfast, isn't it?" The young woman stood up and walked over to her closet to pull out a dress to put on. Lesso merely grumbled softly and eventually got up as well to pick up her clothes from the floor, which had fallen to the floor due to their action yesterday. Y/N couldn't help but glance slightly over her shoulder as she did so. How could anyone look that good?

"Alright, take it easy." The redhead put her clothes back on and finally turned to Y/N. "Will I see you tonight, or do you already have other plans?"
Y/N stepped closer and adjusted the collar of Lesso's shirt, which had slipped a bit. "Hmm, no. Tonight on the bridge, like always?" she then inquired, and with a final nod from Lesso and a kiss goodbye, the redhead was gone from the room. Y/N just looked after her with a dreamy smile before making final preparations for breakfast.

But what the two did not expect was that Dovey was also awake at that time and saw Lesso disappear. A suspicious expression settled on the Dean's features. What on earth had Lesso been doing here? And at such an early hour.
Dovey had been suspicious of Lesso for days anyway. She was clearly acting strangely and had been for quite some time.

Y/N arrived a little late for breakfast, it had taken her a little longer to get ready than planned. After all it was Lesso's fault, marking Y/N's neck with a lot of hickeys that she now had to cover as much as possible. Lesso was already sitting at the table and looked up as soon as she noticed Y/N's approaching figure. She couldn't help smiling a little and the two exchanged an intense look.

Dovey was sitting at her table and had also looked up as soon as she noticed the presence of her good friend. Skeptically she looked back and forth between Lesso and Y/N and slowly but surely she got a very dark premonition what exactly was going on here. And she hoped with all the good things in the world that her suspicions would not be confirmed. Should she be right, then everything would change and the years of balance and harmony would fall into chaos.

Y/N did not yet suspect anything of Dovey's gloomy premonitions, instead she settled down next to her in a good mood. "Good morning, Clarissa," she hummed softly and immediately poured something into her cup. The Dean of Good didn't let anything show yet and returned the friendly gesture with a smile. "Good morning. I see you seem to be in a particularly good mood today, how come?"

The addressed one immediately had to think back to yesterday. From the wonderful and exciting date with Lesso to the night they spent together. Yes, Y/N couldn't help but just be happy that day. "I just enjoyed a very pleasant day yesterday. I guess that seems to have had its effect on my mood." At that, her gaze had briefly wandered over to the redhead, who couldn't help but wink once at Y/N.

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