[22] Love, the death of duty

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"Come sit down, you look good. We rarely have the chance to talk to each other. Come, tell me a little, how are you?" Dovey just beamed with joy, even if they both wouldn't admit it to themselves: Both Y/N and Dovey were struggling with Y/N's transfer to the School for Evil.

It was just like old times. The two quietly drank their tea, laughed, and shared the latest stories with each other. Even though it had been two whole years since they had been able to talk to each other so lightheartedly, it still felt like nothing had ever been different.

"Say, how are you actually getting along with your reader? I don't know if Lesso has let on, but I think she's on the verge of losing her nerve with Sophie. I'm worried, I thought it would get better after the first few days, but she's still adamant that she's at the wrong school."

Dovey lowered her cup and sighed a little strained. "Tell me about it. Agatha is pretty impetuous and she can't think of anything but getting out of here. Still, I see great potential in her, she's a good girl with a pure heart, I just know it. It's just that I worry what will happen if they keep trying to rebel like that."
Understanding, Y/N nodded and leaned back a bit, her gaze thoughtfully out the window. "I'm sure everything will work itself out somehow. I guess it just takes these two a little longer to accept who they are."

There was a silence in the room and Dovey's gaze rested thoughtfully on Y/N. "You mean like you just accepted it?" she finally asked. Y/N's head wheeled around again and she looked at her good friend with a serious expression. "Clarissa... You know it's not that simple."

Dovey lowered her head a little affected and she nodded slightly. "I know that, please forgive me. After the two years, I just still can't really believe it. I'm glad to see you're happy, I really am, but I just can't stop asking myself the same question over and over again: Why did you do all this? I know there was more to it than just revenge for him almost stabbing you. Lesso seemed to have things under control, so why did you intervene and accept losing everything you worked so hard for so long?"

A slight smile crept onto Y/N's lips and she didn't even have to think long about the answer to that question. "You're right, Lesso had everything under control and I also know that she could have killed him, but you know yourself what the consequences would have been, no matter if she is a Never or not. Part of me wanted revenge, that's true, but I also wanted to protect Lesso from making a huge mistake. I didn't want his blood on her hands. Sometimes people do crazy things for the ones they love the most, and I put the good of my love above my own duties as an Ever," she answered the question honestly.

Dovey let Y/N's words run through her mind once, her expression thoughtful and yet she couldn't help but hide a small smile. "You know Y/N, I am always amazed by the sacrifices you are willing to make. I've never really wanted to admit it, but Lesso seems to really matter to you."
A statement that was in no doubt at all. "She's more important to me than anything else in this world."

Talking to Dovey had really done some good, and Y/N hadn't really realized how much she had actually missed spending time with her friend. The carefree feeling she had felt before all this had happened with Rafal was back all at once, and so it was with a heavy heart that she said goodbye to the Dean for Good.

"We should do this again sometime soon, maybe I can persuade Lesso to invite you to visit us sometime." But when Y/N saw Dovey's slightly pained face, she couldn't hold on much longer and started laughing softly. "Don't worry, I'm just kidding."
Dovey exhaled almost a little in relief, but the smile quickly returned to her lips. "Well, you're definitely right about the fact that we should do this again. It was quite pleasant to be able to forget the stresses and strains of everyday life for once. Come back safely and give my regards to Lesso, even if I imagine she doesn't care."

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