We passed by a jewelry shop and saw a nice necklace that would be amazing on Ant. “Wait! I wanna buy something here!” I told Ant. He looked at the necklace I was looking at. 

“Nuh-uh! You are not buying me that. I understand cake and carnival games. But not this!” He shook his head.

“Please! Just something for you to remember me by.”

“I already have something to remember you by. Pancho.” 

“The stuffed bear I won for you?” I asked.

“Yeah. His name is Pancho.” He smiled. He’s so adorable. How did I not see him sooner?

“Consider this necklace as Pancho Jr.” I said. He rolled his eyes. I know he wants to kiss me but we’re in public. We won’t kiss in public. Not yet.

“Fine! But I’m waiting out here.” He said. I told him that if he sees anyone from school, to immediately come into the shop and hide.

Little did he know, I’m not just buying him one necklace. But three. And a ring. A special ring that I had ordered ahead of time with our family seal. This seal is so powerful you can show it to the White House and they’ll let you in to have brunch with the president.

It’s not a symbol given out lightly. 

Ant’s face was shell shocked when I handed him the bag with the several boxes, except for the ring. I’ll give that to him later. When he was going to protest, I pointed to the no refunds sign on the front door.

“What else do you want, my dear?” I asked. He blushed and looked around the promenade. He pointed to a designer store.

“Can I buy a coat from there? Just a coat! Please?” He asked. I can’t say no to him. So we went in and looked around until he found what he was looking for. I paid and we walked out like we owned the place.

“Anyways, so I started hitting Manny because I wanted to eat the cake but it was ruined because he pushed my face into it.” Ant was telling me a story.

“Why did he push your face into the cake?” I asked.

“It’s a cultural thing. Anyways, I reached for the knife and- HOLY SHIT!” Ant said. I turned to what, or who, he was looking at. I looked ahead and saw Archie and Avalon making their way to us. 

“Quick! In there!” I yelled. Ant ran into the department store to the left of us but before I could walk in, I heard Archie call out to me.

“Hey, Michael!” He said. I hate this guy so much for what he did to my baby Ant. It takes me so much self strength to not give him the same treatment. I turned my head and put on a stoic face. I just want to get back to my date.

“Hey, Archie. Avalon.” I nodded to the blonde girl. I’m actually peaceful with her. She’s one of the few girls who doesn’t hit on me. I sort of see her as family. Considering her family is also a bit powerful. Our parents are on good terms.

“What’re you doing here? Jack is hosting a killer mixer at the Park.” He said.

“Nah. Had some things to do. What about you two? Is this a date?” I asked. Avalon flushed and hid her blushing face.

“Something like that. Well, we have reservations. See you around.” He said. The two walked away.

“Asshole.” I muttered. When the coast was clear, Ant walked out of the department store.

“Are they gone?” He asked.

“Yeah. But we should get out of here. I think more people are coming.” I said. We quickly walked back to the car and put our shopping into the back trunk.

“Can we please go to the beach? Please please please?” He asked.

“That’s a great idea! Let’s go!” I said. The whole way, Ant jumped in his seat. He’s never seen the beach before. And he’s dreamed of seeing it.

“Oh my God! It’s so beautiful!” He awed at the beach.

“Yeah, it is.” I stared at Ant. He hopped out of the car as soon as I parked. He ran into the sand and quickly took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pants. I followed behind and did the same.

I joined him in the water. He splashed me and I splashed back. He would squeal when the cold water touched him. I didn’t even care that my $500 shirt was getting soaked. It’s the fun of it. And with the sun set at noon, a glow was reflected on the water.

It amazes me that out of all the cities, out of all the states, out of all the countries. Every planet and galaxy. Every universe and timeline. And I managed to exist at the same time as Antonio Jose Garica, who happened to combat all those odds too and be born at the same time too. 

This is how I knew we were meant to be. Otherwise, we would’ve never been together in the first place.

When we were both exhausted, we layed in the sand and looked at the clouds. The birds that flew by along with the cloud. I tasted the salty air blowing our hair in every direction.

“This was an amazing day, Mike.” Ant said, sighing into my chest.

“You’re welcome. You deserve it.” I responded. Ant clearly had something on his mind. So I asked him what was up.

“Can we do one more thing before I go back home?” He asked.

“What is it?”

“I want to visit my parents.” He said.

His parents. The ones who are dead. I knew exactly where he wanted to go.


next chapter we'll finally find out what exactly happened to his parents. stay tuned!



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