Start from the beginning

"Is this where she truly resides my lord?" Liston inquired, standing breathlessly beside me. "It looks to be abandoned."

I glanced at him wordlessly and then proceeded toward the cottage.

He followed after, almost tripping over a fallen branch.

Pausing by the door, I let out a loose breath.

The pattern of entry had to be remembered. It had been years but it was one I could never forget.

Three knocks, Pause. Twice more, then once more, steady against the brittle surface of the rotting yet secure oak door.

The door seemed to grow in response coming to life.

A face began to contort shifting the lines of the old wood in peculiar waves as a wooden-faced hag formed from the exterior, wailing shortly as if it had been awakened from its slumber.

Liston to stepped back in shock, wide eyes shifting to me as his torch flickered in the night wind, "U-uncle."

I ignored his stutter, glancing over at the boy, "Have you not seen old magic?"

He shook his head, swallowing heavily, "I don't believe I've seen any kind of magic," he confessed, swallowing deeply as he glanced at the wooden hag's face.

"Yes, Magic is nearly gone save the few that have it," I replied, eyes trailing back to the now fully formed hag, waiting patiently for its question.

"Who livessssss between worlds? What comethhhhh at the end? What fearssssss blindeth the truth?" it hissed, old lines of golden magic trailing around its crooked exterior, jagged teeth forming and deforming.

I looked into the depths of its pale grey eyes without blinking.

"The Mage, Death, and the Mages Curse."

"You live... Thissssss time." It hissed, before dissolving back into old wood, the sound of a clicking following after as it unlocked itself.

The door creaked open into what looked like the darkest room to exist in Valcane. I glanced at Liston who seemed to still be in a state of shock, grunting before proceeding into the darkness of the Cabin.

It was far from what it looked like on the exterior. Inside it was a stoned hall, instead of the wood, it deceived on the outside.

Torches suddenly lit themselves up at each corner as we stepped in.

We came to a pause at the center, standing side by side amid the lightened room, almost as bright as if it were mid-day in the Light Wolf's territory.


"Shh," I quickly hushed, remaining unfazed. My eyes trailed the empty corners, narrowing in search of the elder.

"You dare bring an unchosen to the Council of the Mage?" A stale crooked voice rang around me.

"Do you not fear for your life, Master Gregory?" It spat my title in a drawled hiss as if it was an abomination.

My throat run dry but I remained unmoved.

"Elder, I ask for your forgiveness," I bowed lowly, though remained unfazed.

"The boy is my nephew, and I bring him to pledge," I explained, my eyes shifting to the empty spaces in search of the voice.

"But I assure you, I do not fear death either as I stand in its presence every day."

"You speak of Night Wolf..." the voice trailed off, a figure stepping from the wall, once camouflaged in grey. The wall seemed to peel off her skin as she moved further into the light.

MATED TO THE NIGHT WOLF (MTTNW)Where stories live. Discover now