Chapter 47

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3rd POV

Everyone is at the Ricci mansion, tired and stressed. They almost have a hit on them. They're so close but yet so far. Next thing they know they hear the sound of screeching tires. They all wait in the living room to see who it might be. A few minutes later they hear the door slowly open and the sound of stumbling feet is all they hear so far. Who could it be? They all think. Looking at them almost impossible to tell who it is, it's them beaten and bloodied holding onto eachother for dear life.

They hear the hear the broken weak voice of the Donna. "Dad, help" the rest all turn around, frozen. Hearing coughing and gasping for air. As River say something to Nyx, they both nod. Looking back at us a bloody smile appears on their faces both starting to cough more and more blood up. Next thing that happens broke everyone hearts, Nyx and River collapse holding eachother.

Luca is the first to snap out of it and get to work grabbing Enzo for help to get them to the medical wing. Before they pick them up they check for a pulse, faint but still their. Rushing them both to the medical wing as fast as their legs can take them Luca threatens them "If either of them die you die." Laying them into the bed.

Walking downstairs they look on the floor a pool of blood. While they go outside they see drops of blood the entire way up to the house. Doors are still open to the vehicle then they notice a knocked out Don. They immediately know to take the prick to the cells. No harm will happen, until Nyx and River wake up.

Everyone going back to the living room Luca and Enzo have Nyx and River blood all over them. They look at everyone still in shock then hear about 10 cars pull up. Who is it now? Luca thinks. As the doors bust open with huge gaurds and a huge medical staff. "WHERE IS OUR DONNA AND 2ND IN COMMAND?!" What looks like the head gaurd says. Marco speaks up "In our medical ward, why?" The gaurd is seething "Because, only our doctors work on them. Take us to them NOW!" Rocco speaks "We will but our staff will be in the room as well." Walking away.

The Spanish Doctors enter and see their leaders, sister, brother, the Queen and King brutally beaten and bloodied. This is the worst condition they've ever been in. They immediately rush to them and get to work. Fluids, to help their malnourished bodies and bloodbags to help with the blood loss. Looking over each, its going to be hours before they even finish. No matter how long it takes, they won't lose them. Hopefully.

Nyx Doctor POV

My Donna, my sister, my Queen I will save you no matter what. Looking her over shit, she's bleeding way too much. I slow the bleeding down before I can even think of starting to fully examine and work on her. Once it's slowed down I clean her up so I'll have better veiw of all the wounds. Starting with the bullets, one straight in the stomach another punctured her lungs another in her shoulder. Luckily it didn't break up came out clean, dont have to worry about fishing through her body. Fuck, fuck, fuck she's crashing!

"SHE'S CODING STARTING COMPRESSIONS" after 3 minutes of compressions finally get a pulse, weak ass one. "I need more blood! FUCK and fluids!!" She starts to cough up blood, shit Internal bleeding. The stomach is perfectly okay but her lungs are filled with blood. One of her ribs punctured her lungs. Once I successfully take the rib putting it back where it belongs its time to drain the lungs. Looking at the cuts and stab wounds on her body up on her breast, her stomach, thighs, and arms needs to be stitched. They're deep, I clean each wound and stitch her up. I roll her over to check for more wounds, her back needs some work. Lucifer, Donna how did you survive this? Cleaning her back, making sure I can see all the marks. Time to start stitching the deep whip marks and bandaging the rest. Rolling her over again I check her breathing, fuck collapse lung. From the looks of this they rather inflict the pain then break bones. Looking by her hips and thighs I see bruises.

No, no, no that mother fucker. I have to do a pregnancy test and check for any scaring or any damage at all. I'm so damn sorry this happen to you Donna. Thank fuck she's not pregnant, no scar tissue, but she has inner bruising. Shit, fuck, NO she's crashing. Not now! Not now! Were almost fucking done. "SHE'S CRASHING FUCK FUCK NO SHES CODING STARTING COMPRESSIONS NOW!" Scream, nothing. Fuck here we go. Little bit longer. YES, weak heart beat but its their. That counts for something. Time to get some antibiotics so no infections start. Now, I need to put her in induced coma so she can rest. The rest is up to you Donna, your ass better fight this and win.

River Doctor POV

River, my brother, our 2nd in Command you have to be okay. I make sure to check his back first, shit those whip marks are deep. Cleaning his back up and stitching everything and bandaging it. Turning him over he has a bullet hole by his lung and shoulder. Shoulder should be easy, lung is dangerous. Time to get them out so we can clean him up then I can stitch these fucking stab wounds and cuts all over. Fuck He's crashing. Not now River "HES CODING STARTING COMPRESSIONS!" Nothing fuck "More fluids and blood, NOW!" Oh shit, almost lost you River. Fuck his lung collapsed, have to fix that. Fuck his pulse is so weaker and weaker. Everything is stitched and cleaned up. Time to give antibiotics then put him in induced coma. He's going to have to fight once again with Donna.

Will they fight hard enough?.....

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