
As agreed, Y/N left the castle in the middle of the night, quietly creeping along the corridors and finally opening the large double door through which she slipped. Quietly she let that door fall back into the lock and stepped closer, Lesso already present, her eyes fixed on the bright full moon shining high up in the sky and in one hand her cane on which she lightly propped herself.

"There you are." The redhead did not avert her gaze, but she seemed to have noticed Y/N's presence. The young woman came to a stop next to Lesso and propped herself up a bit on the railing, her gaze not on the shining celestial body, however, but on the taller woman next to her. "Sorry, it took a little longer. I had something to discuss with Professor Anemone," she let Lesso know, who merely grimaced a bit. "The beauty teacher? Please tell me that snooty snoot has become less annoying by now. Just hearing her voice makes my blood boil."

Y/N almost didn't expect anything else. The rivalry between good and evil was clear as far as that went, and Y/N knew how seriously Lesso took the whole thing. Especially since she had to admit that Anemone really wasn't the most sociable person. Still, she poked the dean in the ribs a little reprovingly. "Lesso. Anemone is just rather... special."

Now Lesso turned her gaze to Y/N as well, her cold eyes resting on her for a moment. "Yes, specially exhausting if you ask me." It would probably do no good to discuss it further with Lesso, so Y/N merely shook her head in amusement. "It's fine, let's not talk about it anymore. How was your day?" the young woman therefore quickly changed the subject and leaned her head lightly against Lesso's shoulder.

The redhead just sighed heavily. "Don't get me started on that. Remember when I told you there were some promising candidates among my students this year? I take it all back. I'm surrounded by idiots, one a bigger no-good than the other. If this keeps up, evil will finally triumph over good when I'm in my grave."

Y/N liked listening to Lesso complain about the others from her school, because if she was honest, it was quite amusing to watch the redhead talk herself into a rage.
"Oh come on, there will be another opportunity for you to get your chance" Y/N replied encouragingly and stood a little on her tiptoes to give Lesso a soft kiss on the cheek.
The woman had to grin a little bit at that moment. "You're probably right. And while I'm waiting for that to finally happen I'll be busy triumphing over you in bed." The blush shot up Y/N's face at that remark. "I swear to God, you are so utterly impossible."

High up at one of the wide stained-glass windows of the Good Castle stood a figure, the golden dress shimmering in the soft candlelight, while this person's gaze was fixed rigidly outside. Dovey was completely frozen, almost as if she had just seen a ghost. Shocked, she looked in the direction of the bridge that connected the two schools and watched as two people came closer than they were supposed to.

So her senses had not failed her.... There had always been this certain tension between Y/N and Lesso, but she hadn't expected it to be this kind of tension. Yes, that it was even love. Dovey just wouldn't and couldn't accept it like that. Her good friend, Y/N... She was breaking the rules of balance and for what? For Lady Lesso herself, who had messed with her head.

"This is not good at all..." Upset, Dovey paced back and forth in front of the window, not knowing what to do now. Even if Y/N was her friend, she couldn't just keep this thing to herself and pretend she never saw anything. Love between Never and Ever was forbidden! Sooner or later, the school master would have to find out about it. "Oh Y/N, why do you just rush from one difficulty to another." Except that Dovey couldn't stand by her this time.

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