Chapter 25

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As Kenji ran towards the ADC HQ and Shido along with Tohka were transported elsewhere by Fraxinus, several helicopters flew over, including a few girls from Kusakabe's squad.

"There they are!" said one of them.

They then flew down and tended to Origami and Kusakabe.

"Master Sergeant Tobiichi's badly hurt! She needs medical aid!"

"Captain Kusakabe is hurt as well! But it doesn't seem as bad as Origami's wounds."

"Roger. We're sending a rescue helicopter over."

"Screw that! Come on, girls! We're taking them back to base ourselves!"

They nodded as pairs lifted Origami and Kusakabe, promptly flying off with them as the rest of the squad followed them to cover them. They had to hide from the impending waves of journalists that were swarming over, even though no one confirmed the safety of the area.

Tohka's fury left a considerable mark, trees bent over and some on the ground, the surrounding area badly damaged, cliffs sundered.

Upon returning to base, both Origami and Kusakabe were given over to the top military doctors who were focused on their recovery. The squad hoped both their fellow comrade and their captain would recover quickly, but it was clear the former would be out of commission for a while due to the internal damage she suffered.

"Will she be all right?" asked one of the girls.

"Her wounds are not life-threatening, but they might take days or even weeks to fully heal. For now, she needs rest, and I mean that literally," responded the doctor she was speaking to.

"And what about the Captain?"

"She'll be fine in no time. She's lucky the field protected her as much as it did, it's just a matter of bandaging her and waiting for her to wake up. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"Oh—Sorry! I'll go too. Thank you."

Meanwhile, Kenji got on the nearest bus to the centre and after he arrived at his destination, he got off. The place was already filled with not just journalists, but all sorts of people with many questions. That's when he remembered the secret exit and shuffled through the crowds of people.

His phone kept buzzing with both new reports from journalists, pictures of the damages caused by Tohka's rampage, and damage-control from various official sources. Some of them already leaked and were available to the public.

"What was that glitter falling from the sky? Is the world ending? What's happening? This is insane!" the people in the crowd said, as Kenji could barely make out anything.

When he got past the crowd, he made it to the exit where there were not as many people. He tried to open the door, but it was knocked, so he knocked.

"Hello? Anyone in there? I'm an Anti-Disaster Committee member!" he said.

Shortly after, someone opened the door. It was the girl who served as his guide before.

"Hello there, Mr Kenji Miyagawa. You're expected, please come in," she said with a smile.

"I-I am?"

"Please come inside so I can close the door."

This seems a little strange...

He did as she asked, finding himself once again in the HQ of the ADC.

"This way, sir. Please follow me."

He nodded and followed her through the halls. However, when they passed the entrance to the main hall, he began getting nervous.

"Wh-Where are we going?"

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