Chapter 24

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Tohka's sword glowed with a red hue.

"No one will save you... just like no one saved Shido!"

And finally, she brought down Halvanhelev upon Origami. But before it could slash through her, it met upon another blade which barely managed to hold it down.

The blade was one Origami and her comrades employed—an energy blade. And its wielder was none other than Captain Kusakabe, who clashed against Tohka with all the strength she could muster.

"I won't let you kill Origami, you... you murderer!"

Her words threw Tohka off as she flew back.

"You call me a murderer? Y-You are the murderers! You murdered Shido! How can you kill someone so kind and then care about the likes of her?!"

She then charged at Kusakabe, their weapons meeting. Even with how enormous Tohka's Halvanhelev was, Kusakabe managed to dodge a few slashes, but her loss was inevitable, and the cost of resisting against the sword brought her great pain.

As they fought atop the slashed cliff, Kenji made it to the playground, only arriving to see the post-math of all the violence. But he didn't pay much attention to it, as he noticed Shido on the ground.

"No... No! No, no, no!" he repeated to himself.

He ran over to his body and kneeled by him, shaking him desperately.

"Shido! T-This can't be happening! W-Why... Why you?! Please... Please open your eyes!" he said with a cracked voice.

Meanwhile, Tohka managed to pierce through Kusakabe's shield, both fighting like warriors. Her damaged shield—field—staggered her. Her enemy made use of this as she grabbed her and threw her against the rocky wall, knocking her out.

She fully intended on killing both Origami and her, but then she heard Kenji's and turned to see him kneeling over Shido's body. She started flying over to him, dropping her focus on the two defeated AST soldiers.

Back onboard Fraxinus, the crew kept monitoring the situation.

"Area evacuation 50%! That's still only half!" said Nakatsugawa.

"Wait, somethings happening! A boy ran over to Shido!" reported Minowa.

"By all miracles, how is he still alive?" wondered Kawagoe.

"Zoom in! Quick!" commanded Kotori.

She instantly recognized who the boy was, as did the crew. But not all knew his name.

"Th-That's Kenji Miyagawa! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope he does something! If he doesn't—"

"Then Shido will die, and Tengu will burn under her wrath," jumped in Reine.

She stared at the screen and watched as Kenji tried to help Shido.

Could it be... Could you be the one who'll make this right?

Tohka landed in front of Kenji who looked up at her, hurt by Shido's state. However, her face was filled with anger instead.

"Do you see now, Kenji? You protected the person who did this. Shido died saving me from a murderer, a monster."

"O-Origami d-did this...?" he asked meekly.

"I don't care what her name is. But this is her doing. And you..."

She pointed her sword at Kenji.

"You let this happen."

He shook his head in disbelief.

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ