Chapter 18

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The Sun was on its way to the apex of the sky as Shido was still in his bed. Kotori came to check on him and stood in the door.

"Zzz... Zzz..."

"Still sleeping? It's almost noon. If the Spirit saw him like this..."

She sighed and went downstairs into the living room.

"I might as well prepare lunch in a bit. Hmm... On second thought, why should I do that? Shido needs to wake his ass up! Another half hour, then..."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Great. I bet it's someone joining Shido for a sleepover."

Annoyed, she went up to the door and opened it. Her eyes instantly focused on shock as the most unexpected guest stood before her. She even dropped her lollipop.

It was Tohka in her gleaming princess armour. She was smiling, but when she saw Kotori, that expression was replaced with a small frown.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"E-Ehh... K-Kotori... Shido's sister?" she said nervously.

Tohka stared at her for a second before regaining her wide smile.

"Nice to meet you!" she said as she shook Kotori's hand with strength.

"O-Ow! Hey!" she winced.

"Sorry, did I overdo it? Do you know if Shido is home? Shido!" S-h-i-d-o!"

"Yes, my dumb brother is home!" she blurted out.

She shook her head and smirked.

"Pardon me. As a matter of fact, I can lead you to him."


"Sure. Follow me."

Tohka followed Kotori up the stairs with the clink of her heavy armour. Fortunately, no one was following her.

"Shido! You got a visitor!" Kotori said as they entered his room.

"Five more minutes..."

Tohka saw Shido lying in bed and gasped.

"Shido! Are you dead? Did those mecha-people assassinate you?!" she said like lighting as she jumped on his bed and shook him.

"Wh-What the he—?!" he said as he opened his eyes.

Like Kurumi, they were filled with shock instantly. Kotori stood by the door with her arms crossed, smirking.

"T-T-T-Tohka...?" he blurted.

"Phew, thank goodness! Are you hurt?! Let me check for any wounds you may have missed!"

"I-I'm fine! Please don't do what I think you're about to do!"

"Are you sure?"


Shido's face was not that far from Tohka's as she stared at him. His face became flustered.

"U-Um... Can you please... get off my bed?"

Upon saying that, her face became flustered too. She hurried off his bed.

"Y-You big idiot! Don't try to trick me into something!"

"What do you mean...?!"

Amidst their blurting, Kotori coughed to grab their attention.

"I think that's enough for introductions. To what do we owe this sudden visit, Spirit?"

"Y-You know about that?! Did Shido tell you?!"

DATE AN ANGEL: Sandalphon Descend (Vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now