Chapter 2

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"I bid everyone welcome. Today it's my honour to begin another school year here as the school's presiding principal. Of course, I also welcome the first-year students, who will learn here for the first time. As is the school's tradition ever since its founding by our ancestors, I would like to..."

"I sure wouldn't want to be standing behind him right now," whispered Tonomachi to Shido.

"Do you want to get us into trouble with the entire faculty...?!" responded Shido, quieting him down.

The girl beside the principal looked out into the crowd in Shido's direction. He felt a bit uneasy from her neutral stare. Was she looking at him? But then he realised, why would someone like her look at someone like him? Tonomachi sure looked like he hoped it was him though.

"And now, for the returning and new, it's my honour to introduce the school's brightest that not just one could take example from, our star student: Origami Tobiichi from second year. Please, a round of applause as she, like all of you, is here to partake in the Opening Ceremony for this school year."

Almost everyone applauded, as she gave a bowing nod. Shido was more focused on his thoughts rather than applauding though.

"Why are they doing this? Showing off a star student, I'm still just as confused as the first year..."

Unlike him, Tonomachi was applauding without pause. He sighed.

"I'd also like to introduce our school's representative once again for the Anti-Disaster Committee, as it's my honour to know that our school is actively representing not just our students, but also the people of Tengu city and beyond when it comes to disasters like spacequakes: Kenji Miyagawa, also from second year. Please, also a round of applause."

Even though not as many knew him, unlike Origami, the applauding crowd was still just as large. And unlike Origami, he didn't seem as comfortable with being the centre of attention. However, his two friends both applauded loudly.

"That's our man, haha!" said Tonomachi.

The crowd quieted down after the principal gestured.

"Raizen High School is home to many talents, not just these two. And with this, I wish everyone, students and my fellow colleagues included a pleasant school year. May it be as good as the ones before, and the ones forward. Thank you, your classrooms are now waiting for their studentship."

Everyone applauded once more, as the crowd began moving indoors as their welcomers retreated. Shido and Tonomachi went into their classroom, which was labelled 2-4. Surprisingly, they were in the same one. They had a short reprieve before the homeroom teacher would come.

They sat down in the last 2 rows, close to the windows. The classroom had around 30 seats. Tonomachi instantly got up and faced Shido. He was taller than him, and had spiky grey hair.

"I still can't believe all three of us are in the same class this year. It must be fate that brought us together, Itsuka," he said with a grin.

"Fate, huh?" asked Shido, as he stayed seated.

Tonomachi's phone made a ring, as he promptly took it out of his pocket.

"Ah, excuse me. My girlfriend's calling me."

"Huh? Since when do you have a girlfriend?" he asked, surprised.

"Here, let me introduce you," he said as his face became a bit flustered, and he smiled awkwardly.

Simultaneously, he turned the phone towards Shido so he could see. Shido instantly realised what he meant by girlfriend.

"That's a dating sim!" he said sternly.

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